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Carrion disease

(kar-ē-ōn′) [Daniel A. Carrion, 1850–1885, a Peruvian student who died after voluntarily injecting himself with a disease] Bartonellosis.


The portion of analyte brought from one reaction segment to the next. The accuracy of laboratory test results may be altered by contaminants that are transferred from one reaction to the following one.

car surfing

Crouching, kneeling, standing on, or clinging to the outside of a moving automobile or truck. It has been associated with serious and sometimes fatal trauma.


Combination antiretroviral therapy.


An open mobility device, usually consisting of a flat surface mounted to a wheeled frame, for facilitating propulsion of a patient or a heavy object. SYN: mobility cart.

mobility c. Cart.

prone c. A cart on which a patient lies on his or her stomach. It is used by or for patients who must avoid lying on their backs, such as those with buttock pressure ulcers.


(kart′ĭ-lăj) [L. cartilago, gristle] A specialized type of dense connective tissue consisting of cells embedded in a ground substance or matrix. The matrix is firm and compact; its proteoglycans can store considerably more sodium than plasma can, which in turn allows cartilage to store water, which in turn helps cartilage withstand pressure or impact. Cartilage is bluish-white or gray and is semiopaque; it has no nerve or blood supply of its own. The cells lie in cavities called lacunae. They may be single or in groups of two, three, or four.

Cartilage forms parts of joints in the adult skeleton, such as between vertebral bodies and on the articular surfaces of bones. It also occurs in the costal cartilages of the ribs, in the nasal septum, in the external ear and lining of the eustachian tube, in the wall of the larynx, and in the trachea and bronchi. It forms the major portion of the embryonic skeleton, providing a model in which most bones develop.

alar c. Cartilage forming the broad lateral wall of each nostril.

articular c. The thin layer of smooth, hyaline cartilage located on the joint surfaces of a bone, as in a synovial joint.

costal c. A cartilage that connects the end of a true rib with the sternum or the end of a false rib with the costal cartilage above.

cricoid c. The lowest cartilage of the larynx, shaped like a signet ring, the broad portion being posterior, the anterior portion forming the arch. SEE: larynx for illus.

cuneiform c. One of two small pieces of elastic cartilage that lie in the ...

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