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carbon dioxide inhalation

Providing the patient with a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It can be used as an accessory to artificial respiration when resuscitation equipment is not available. In the past, it also was used to stimulate breathing and to treat persistent hiccups.

carbon dioxide production

The quantity of carbon dioxide produced by tissue metabolism during a specified time (measured in mL/min). It increases with increasing levels of exercise.

carbon dioxide solid therapy

Solid carbon dioxide (CO2 snow) used for therapeutic refrigeration. Solid CO2 has a temperature of −112°F (−80°C). Its application to the skin for 1 to 2 sec causes superficial frostbite; 4 to 5 sec, a blister; 10 to 15 sec, superficial necrosis; and 15 to 45 sec, ulceration. It is used mostly for removal of certain nevi and warts, occasionally for telangiectasia.

carbon disulfide

(dī-sŭl′fīd) A colorless liquid, CS2, that is toxic when it touches the skin or is inhaled or consumed. It may cause an alcohol-like intoxication, burns, stupor, coma, or death. It is used principally in the manufacture of products such as cellophane or rayon and sometimes causes occupational health-related illnesses in workers who produce these substances.


(kăr″bō-nē′mē-ă) [L. carbo, carbon, + Gr. haima, blood] An excess accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood.


(kăr-bŏn′ĭk) Pert. to carbon.

c. anhydrase An enzyme that catalyzes union of water and carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid, or performs the reverse action. It is present in red blood cells.


(kăr′bŏn-īz) To char or convert into charcoal.

carbon monoxide

SYMB: CO. A poisonous gas resulting from the inefficient and incomplete combustion of organic fuels. CO is colorless, tasteless, and odorless and cannot be detected by the senses. Carbon monoxide is distributed widely; it is found in the exhaust gas from the internal combustion engines in most motor-powered vehicles, and in sewers, cellars, and mines.

carbon tetrachloride

(tĕt″ră-klō′rīd) SYMB: CCl4. A clear, colorless liquid, not flammable, with an odor like that of chloroform. Although having narcotic and anesthetic properties resembling chloroform, it is too toxic to be suitable as an anesthetic or for any medical use. Inhalation of a small quantity can produce death due to the toxic damage to the liver and kidney.

c.t. poisoning SEE: under poisoning.


(kar′bŏ-nil″, kar′bŏ-nēl″) [carbon + -yl] In organic chemistry, a functional group composed of a carbon atom with a double bond to an oxygen atom (C = O). ...

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