broncho-, bronch-, bronchi-
[L. fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe] Prefixes meaning airway.
(brong″kō-al-vē′ŏ-lăr) [broncho- + alveolar] Pert. to the bronchi and alveoli.
(brŏng″kō-kŏn-strĭk′shŭn) [″ + L. constringere, to draw together] Constriction of the bronchial tubes.
(brong″kō-dī″lāt′ing) 1. Pert. to the epansion or relaxation of the large airways. 2. An agent that expands or relaxes the large airways. SYN: broncholytic.
bronchodilation, bronchodilatation
(brong″kō-dī″lā′shŏn, brong″kō-dil″ă-tā′shŏn) [broncho- + dilation] Expansion or relaxation of the large airways.
(brong″kō-dī-lāt′ŏr) [broncho- + dilator] A drug that expands the bronchi by relaxing bronchial muscle. There are three classes of bronchodilators: beta2 adrenergic-receptor agonists, methylxanthines, and anticholinergic agents. The beta2 adrenergic-receptor agonists produce the greatest bronchodilation in patients with bronchial asthma. The beta2 adrenergic-receptor agonists are the best drugs for patients with mild, intermittent asthma and for acute attacks of reactive airway disease. SEE: table.
(brŏng″kō-ĕ-dē′mă) [″ + oidema, swelling] Edematous swelling of the mucosa of the bronchial tubes, reducing the size of air passageways and inducing dyspnea.
(brong″kō-ĕ-sof″ă-jē′ăl) [broncho- + esophageal, esophagus] Pert. to the bronchus and the esophagus.
(brŏng-kō-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + gennan, to produce] Having origin in a bronchus.
(brŏng″kō-mō′tor) [″ + L. motus, moving] Causing dilation or constriction of the bronchi.
(brŏng″kō-mī-kō′sĭs) [ ″ + mykes, fungus, + osis, condition] Any fungal infection of the bronchi or bronchial tubes, usually caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
(brŏng″-kŏf′ō-nē) [″ + phone, voice] An abnormal increase in tone or clarity in vocal resonance.
(brŏng′kō-plăs″tē) [″ + plassein, to form] Surgical repair of a bronchial defect.
(brŏng″kō-ploor′ăl) [″ + pleura, side, rib] Pert. to the bronchi and the pleural cavity.
(brong″kō-noo-mō′nē-ă) [broncho- + pneumonia] A type of pneumonia marked by scattered consolidation (areas filled with inflammatory exudate) in ...