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To open and close the eyes involuntarily; to wink rapidly. Blinking, which normally occurs about 12 to 20 times a minute, helps protect the cornea against microscopic injury. It occurs less often in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, and more often in meningitis and corneal irritation. SEE: reflex, blink.


(blip) A temporary deviation in a measurement from its baseline or its expected range.


(blis′tĕr) 1. A collection of fluid below or within the epidermis. 2. To form a blister.

TREATMENT: The area should be cleansed with mild soap and a protective dressing applied. Unless a blister is painful or interferes with function because of its size, it should not be punctured. If puncturing is required, it should be done aseptically, with the skin left in place. A sterile pressure bandage should then be applied.

image If infection develops, treatment is the same as for any other wound, including tetanus prophylaxis or booster as required.

blood b. A small subcutaneous or intracutaneous extravasation of blood resulting from the rupture of blood vessels. SEE: illus.




On the sole of the foot after cryotherapy for a plantar wart


 TREATMENT: A firm dressing should be applied with moderate pressure to prevent extravasation and hasten absorption of blood. In some cases it is desirable to puncture the wound aseptically and aspirate the contents.

calendar b. A blister pack in which each dose of a medication is labeled with a specific day of the week, e.g., M, T, W, or of the month (1st, 2nd, 3rd) to encourage and assist with daily compliance with medication dosing.

fever b. SEE: fever blister.

fly b. A blister produced by application of cantharides to the skin.

friction b. An inflamed blister that forms beneath the epidermis after vigorous or repeated rubbing of the skin, e.g., on the toes or heels during sports activities.

blister pack, blister package

A method of protecting individual doses of medications within a transparent cavity or cell made from a dome-shaped plastic barrier. The barrier separates one dose from another, protects the medication from moisture, and keeps it from being crushed or damaged during transportation or storage. Each dose of the medication can be individually released or unwrapped without affecting the integrity of the neighboring doses.


(blōt′ĕd) [AS. blout] Swollen or distended beyond normal size as by serum, water, or gas.


(blōt) Abdominal discomfort related to disorders ...

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