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(bī″ō-sī″kō-sō′shăl) Pert. to the application of the biological and behavioral sciences to study or solve social problems.


(bī-ŏp′tĕr-ĭn) 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(1,2-hydroxypropyl) pteridine, important in metabolizing phenylalanine. A deficiency of biopterin is a rare cause of phenylketonuria.


(bī-ŏp′tōm) A tool used to obtain biopsies of the endomyocardium. It consists of a forceps (with small tissue-cutting jaws) that is advanced into the ventricle along a catheter or guidewire.


(bī″ō-rĕ-mē″dē-ā′shŭn) The conversion of hazardous wastes and pollutants into harmless materials by microorganisms.


(bī″ō-rē-sor′bă-bĕl) Bioabsorbable.


(bī′ō-rith″ĭm) [bio- + rhythm] A cyclic phenomenon (such as circadian rhythm, sleep cycle, and menstrual cycle) that occurs with established regularity in living organisms. SEE: biological clock. biorhythmic (bī″ō-rith′mik), adj. biorhythmical (bī″ō-rith′mĭ-kăl), adj.


(bī′os″) [Gr. bios, life] A group of substances (including inositol, biotin, and thiamine) necessary for the most favorable growth of some yeasts.

biosafety level

(bī″ō-sāf′tē) ABBR: BSL. A classification system to indicate the safety precautions required when investigating microorganisms, esp. viruses known to be dangerous or lethal to those exposed to them. There are four BSLs, with BSL-4 requiring the highest level of security.


(bī″ō-sī′ĕns) [bio- + science] Life science


(bī′ō-sen″sor″) [bio- + sensor] 1. A device that senses and analyzes biological information, including temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, or the chemical composition of body fluids. 2. A device that incorporates some biologic agent, e.g., an enzyme, as a part of its sensing capability.


(bī″ō-sig′nă-chŭr) [bio- + signature] A particular group of proteins found in body fluid or tissue that identifies the tissue type or a molecular disease.


(bī″ō-sim′ĭ-lăr) [bio- + similar] 1. A generic version of a biologically active pharmaceutical agent, e.g., of a manufactured antibody or hormone. 2. Pert. to such a generic version. SYN: follow-on biologic. biosimilarity, n.


(bī″ō-spĕk-trŏm′ĕ-trē) [″ + L. spectrum, image, + Gr. metron, measure] Use of a spectroscope to determine the amounts and kinds of substances in tissues.


(bī″ō-spĕk-trŏs′kō-pē) [″ + ″ + Gr. skopein, to examine] Examination of tissue by use of a spectroscope.


(bī′ŏ-sfēr″) [bio- + sphere] 1. The regions of earth's land, water, and atmosphere in which living beings can exist. It extends from the deep-sea ecosystem of the ocean, ...

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