(ă-sim′ĭ-lă-bl) [L. assimilabilis] Capable of assimilation. assimilability (-sim″ĭ-lă-bil′it-ē), n.
(ă-sim′ĭ-lāt″) [L. assimilare, to make like, liken] 1. To absorb digested food. 2. In psychology, to absorb newly perceived information into the existing subjective conscious structure.
(ă-sim″ĭ-lā′shŏn) [L. assimilatio, likeness, similarity] 1. The transformation of food into living tissue; anabolism. 2. In psychology, the absorption of newly perceived information into the existing subjective conscious structure.
(ă-sis′tănt) [L. assistere, to stand by, help] One that aids or supports. SYN: aide. Particular assistants are listed under the first word. SEE: e.g., nursing assistant; personal digital assistant; physical therapist assistant.
In assisted reproduction, the separation of the blastocyst from the zona pellucida in the laboratory using artificial means, e.g., lasers or chemicals.
assisted living, assisted living facility, assisted living residence
A group residence for adults, in which tenants live in individual apartments but receive some personal-care services, including shared meals, day and night supervision, assistance with medications, and other benefits, which vary according to state regulations. SEE: nursing home; intermediate care facility.
assistive listening system
(ă-sis′tiv) Any technology that enhances the understanding of speech by people with hearing impairments in acoustic environments in which speech is distorted, muffled, or obscured by background noise.
assistive technology model
Any of several conceptual models that describe the interface between individuals with disabilities and assistive technology devices that guide therapeutic application or intervention. Examples include the HAAT (Human, Activity, Assistive Technology) Model, the HETI (Human Environment/Technology Interface) Model, and the HIA (Human Interface Assessment) Model.
Involuntary and nonfunctional spontaneous movements associated with the performance of difficult or stressful intentional motion. SEE: associated movement.
(ă-sō″s(h)ē-ā′shŏn) [L. associare, to ally with] 1. The act of joining or uniting; coordination with another idea or structure; a relationship. In psychiatry, association refers in particular to the relationship of conscious and unconscious ideas or feelings. 2. In genetics, the occurrence of two characteristics at a frequency greater than would be predicted by chance. 3. In clinical epidemiology, the relationship of two events, without evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship. For instance, although malaria occurs in tropical climates, the actual cause is Plasmodium, the malaria parasite, and not environmental heat or stagnant air.