(zō″ō-păth-ŏl′ō-jē) [″ + pathos, disease, + logos, word, reason] The science of the diseases of animals.
(zō′ō-fīl) [″ + philein, to love] 1. One who likes animals. 2. An antivivisectionist.
(zō″ō-fīl′ē-ă) The preference for obtaining sexual gratification by having intercourse or other sexual activity with animals.
(zō-ŏf′ĭl-ĭzm) [″ + ″ + -ismos, condition] An abnormal love of animals.
(zō′ŏ-fīt″) [zoo- + Gr. phyton, plant] An animal that appears plantlike, e.g., any of numerous invertebrate animals resembling plants in appearance or mode of growth.
(zō″ŏ-plangk′tŏn) [zoo- + plankton] A small animal organism present in natural waters. SEE: plankton; phytoplankton.
(zō″ō-sī-kŏl′ō-jē) Animal psychology.
(zō″ō-sā′dĭzm) Mistreatment of animals.
(zō′ō-spor) [″ + sporos, seed] A motile asexual spore that moves by means of one or more flagella.
(zō″ō-tek′niks) The scientific care, management, and breeding of domestic animals. zootechnic, zootechnical (zō″ō-tek′nik, zō″ō-tek′nĭ-kăl), adj.
(zō-ot′ĭk) Pert. to animals.
(zō′stă-văks″) [From zo(ster) + vacc(ine)] Varicella-zoster virus vaccine.
(zos′tĕr) [Gr. zōstēr, girdle] Herpes zoster.
z. auricularis Herpes zoster of the ear.
z. ophthalmicus SEE: under herpes zoster ophthalmicus.
z. sine herpete Cutaneous pain of dermatomal distribution, suggestive of herpes zoster but without the typical rash of shingles. That the pain is caused by a reactivation of herpes zoster may be confirmed by antibody titer or polymerase chain reaction tests.
(zŏs′tĕr-oyd) [″ + eidos, form, shape] Resembling herpes zoster.
(z-plăs′tē) The use of a Z-shaped incision in plastic surgery to relieve tension in scar tissue. The area under tension is lengthened at the expense of the surrounding elastic tissue. SEE: illus.; tissue expansion, soft; W-plasty.
Symbol for the element zirconium.
(z-trăk′) An injection technique in which the surface (skin and subcutaneous) tissues are pulled and held to one side before insertion of the needle deep into the muscle in the identified site. The medication is injected slowly, followed by ...