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(ă-pen″dĭ-kō-etn″ĕ-ros′tŏ-mē) [appendix + enterostomy] The establishment of an anastomosis between the appendix and intestine.


(ă-pen″dĭ-kos′tŏ-mē) [appendix + -stomy] Surgical opening and fixation of the appendix onto the skin. The opening is employed as a vent to an obstructed colon though it is less efficient than a colostomy or cecostomy. A tube can be passed through the appendiceal lumen to instill medication (as in cases of colitis) or fluids, e.g., to relieve fecal impaction in infants with Hirschsprung's disease or in the infirm or older patient. The opening can also be used to remove foreign bodies from the intestinal lumen.


(ap″ĕn-dik′yŭ-lăr) [appendix] 1. Appendical. 2. Pert. to an appendage. 3. Pert. to a limb or limbs.


(ă-pen′diks, ă-pen′dĭ-sēz) pl. appendixes, appendices [L. appendix, appendage, addition] An appendage, esp. the vermiform appendix. SYN: appendage. SEE: digestive system and omentum for illus.

a. testis A small bladder-like structure at the upper end of the testis. It ia a vestigial remnant of the cephalic portion of the müllerian duct

vermiform a. A long, narrow, worm-shaped tube connected to the back of the cecum. It varies in length from less than 1 in to more than 8 in (2.5 to 20.3 cm) with an average of about 3 in (7.6 cm). Its distal end is closed. It is lined with mucosa similar to that of the large intestine. The appendix contains many lymph nodules. It is commonly referred to simply as the appendix. SYN: vermiform process.

a. vermiformis SEE: vermiform a.


(ap″ĕr-sep′shŏn) [Fr. fr. L. apperceptio] The perception and interpretation of sensory stimuli; awareness of the meaning and significance of a particular sensory stimulus as modified by one's own experiences, knowledge, thoughts, and emotions. apperceptive (a″pĕr-sep′tiv), adj. apperceptively (a″pĕr-sep′tiv-lē), adv.

apperceptive personality test

(a″pĕr-sep′tiv) ABBR: APT. A test used to assess attitudes, moods, and perceptions. The person tested examines a series of images and is asked to construct a story about each of them.


(ap′ĕ-stat″) [appe(tite) + -stat] The area of the brain that is thought to control appetite and food intake.


(ap′ĕ-tīt″) [L. appetitus, longing for] A strong desire or instinct, esp. for food. Appetite differs from hunger in that the latter is an uncomfortable sensation caused by lack of food, whereas appetite is a pleasant sensation based on previous experience that causes one to seek food for the purpose of tasting and enjoying. appetitive (ap′ĕ-tīt″iv), adj.

perverted a. Pica.

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