(wel′nĕs) Good health, as well as its appreciation and enjoyment. Wellness is more than a lack of disease symptoms; it is often considered to be a state of mental and physical balance and fitness. SYN: subjective well-being.
[ME. welte] An elevation on the skin produced by a lash, blow, or allergic stimulus. The skin is unbroken and the mark is reversible.
(wĕn) [AS.] A cyst resulting from the retention of secretion in a sebaceous gland. One or more rounded or oval elevations, varying in size from a few millimeters to about 10 cm, appear slowly on the scalp, face, or back. They are painless, rather soft, and contain a yellow-white caseous mass. The sac and contents should be carefully dissected to prevent its recurrence. SYN: sebaceous cyst; steatoma. SEE: Fordyce's disease.
(veng′kĕ-bok″) Dutch internist, 1864–1940.
W. period A form of incomplete heart block in which, as detected by electrocardiography, there is progressive lengthening of the P-R interval until there is no ventricular response; and then the cycle of increasing P-R intervals begins again. SYN: Wenckebach phenomenon.
W. phenomenon Wenckebach period.
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
(vĕrd′nĭg-hof′măn) [Guido Werdnig, Austrian neurologist, 1844–1919; Johann Hoffmann, Ger. neurologist, 1857–1919] Spinal muscular atrophy.
Werdnig-Hoffmann paralysis
Infantile muscular atrophy, considered by some to be identical with amyotonia congenita.
Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome
Werdnig-Hoffmann paralysis.
(verl′hof″) [Paul G. Werlhof, Ger. physician, 1699–1767] Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
(vĕrn′ĕr) [C. W. O. Werner, Ger. physician, 1879–1936] An autosomal recessive disease in which adults age at an accelerated pace. SEE: progeria.
(ver′nĭk-ĕ) Ger. neurologist, 1848–1905.
W. aphasia An injury to the Wernicke area in the temporal lobe of the dominant hemisphere of the brain, resulting in an inability to comprehend the spoken or written word. Visual and auditory pathways are unaffected, but patients are unable to differentiate between words or interpret their meaning. Although patients speak fluently, they are unable to function socially because their ability to communicate effectively is impaired by paraphasia. They also may be unable to repeat spoken words. If the condition is due to a stroke, the aphasia may improve with time. The disorder is often caused by impairment of blood flow through the lower division of the left middle cerebral artery. SEE: paraphasic speech.
W. area An area in the dominant ...