(wēn′lĭng) A young child or infant recently changed from breast to formula feeding.
(wĕ′pŏn-īz) To convert a bacterial culture or some other substance into an agent that can be used to injure or kill.
The location of tooth erosion as determined by the characteristics of the facets of the teeth.
(web) A thin tissue or membrane extending across a space.
esophageal w. A group of thin membranous structures that include mucosal and submucosal coats across the esophagus. They may be congenital or may follow trauma, inflammation, or ulceration of the esophagus. SEE: Plummer-Vinson syndrome.
terminal w. A microscopic weblike network that is beneath the microvilli of intestinal absorption cells, and beneath the stereocilia of the hair cells of the inner ear.
(wĕb′bāst′) Founded on, or depending on the Internet. Said, for example, of certain forms of education and knowledge dissemination.
[AS. webb, a fabric] Having a membrane or tissue connecting adjacent structures, as the toes of a duck's feet.
Weber, Ernst Heinrich
(web′ĕr) Ger. anatomist and physiologist, 1795–1878.
W's law The increase in stimulus necessary to produce the smallest perceptible increase in sensation bears a constant ratio to the strength of the stimulus already acting.
Weber-Christian disease
(web′ĕr-kris′chĭn) [Fredrick Parkes Weber, Brit. physician, 1863–1962; Henry A. Christian, U.S. physician, 1876–1951] A generalized disorder of fat metabolism characterized by recurring episodes of fever and the development of crops of subcutaneous fatty nodules. SYN: relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis.
(web′ĕr) [Sir Hermann David Weber, Brit. physician, 1823–1918] Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve on one side with contralateral spastic hemiplegia. It is caused by a lesion of the crus cerebri.
[Friedrich Eugen Weber, Ger. otologist, 1823–1891] A test for unilateral deafness. A vibrating tuning fork held against the midline of the top of the head is perceived as being so located by those with equal hearing ability in the ears; to persons with unilateral conductive-type deafness, the sound will be perceived as being more pronounced on the diseased side; in persons with unilateral nerve-type deafness, the sound will be perceived as being louder in the good ear. SEE: hearing.
(web′ĭ-nar″) [(World Wide) Web (based sem)inar] An interactive lecture, meeting, presentation, or educational forum broadcast from one location to people using networked devices ...