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volume percent

ABBR: vol%. The number of cubic centimeters (milliliters) of a substance (usually oxygen or carbon dioxide) contained in 100 mL of another substance, e.g., blood.

volume rendering

The imaging of the surface elements, internal geometry, and components of a three-dimensional structure.


(vŏl″ū-mĕt′rĭk) [L. volumen, a volume, + Gr. metron, measure] Pert. to measurement of volume.

volumetric analysis

Quantitative analysis performed by the measurement of the volume of solutions or liquids.


(vol′ŭn-ter″ē) [L. voluntarius, willing, voluntary, fr voluntas, will] Pert. to or under control of the will. voluntarily (vol″ŭn-ter′ĭ-lē), adj.

voluntary health agency

Any nonprofit, nongovernmental agency, governed by lay or professional people and organized on a national, state, or local level, whose primary purpose is health related. This term applies to agencies supported mainly by voluntary public contributions. These agencies are usually engaged in programs of service, education, and research related to a particular disability or group of diseases and disabilities; for example, the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, National Lung Institute, and their state and local affiliates. The term can also be applied to such agencies as nonprofit hospitals, visiting nurse associations, and other local service organizations that have both lay and professional governing boards and are supported by both voluntary contributions and charges and fees for service provided.

voluntary propulsion of eyeball

The ability to voluntarily make the globe of the eye to protrude by as much as 10 mm (0.4 in). This is not harmful to the eye or visual acuity.

voluntary termination of pregnancy

Elective abortion


(vol″ŭn-tēr′) [Fr. voluntaire, fr L. voluntarius, willing, voluntary] 1. One who works without pay on behalf of a cause or an institution. 2. One who freely participates in a research study, without expectation of payment, recognition, or reward. Healthy volunteers often participate in research as control subjects.


(vō-lŭp′tū-ŭs) [L. voluptas, pleasure] 1. Pert. to, arising from, or provoking, consciously or otherwise, sensual desire, usually applied to the female sex. 2. Given to sensualism.


(vō-lūt′) [L. volutus, rolled] Convolute.


(vŏl′ū-traw″mă) [L. volumen, scroll, something rolled, + Gr. trauma, wound] A lung injury caused by excessively high tidal volumes during the use of mechanical ventilation.


(vŏl″vū-lō′sĭs) Onchocerciasis.


(vŏl′vū-lŭs) [L. volvere, to roll] A twisting of the bowel on itself, causing obstruction. A prolapsed mesentery is the predisposing cause. This ...

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