A vitamin tablet or capsule containing one or more vitamins. Some supplements may contain more than a dozen vitamins and an even greater number of minerals. In general, healthy adult men and healthy nonpregnant, nonlactating women consuming a normal, varied diet do not need vitamin supplements.
The difficulties of people who take vitamin supplements are: 1. People who take the supplements are usually already consuming an adequate diet. 2. The vitamins chosen are often not the ones inadequate in their diet. 3. The dose may be many times greater than the daily needs. SEE: Food Guide Pyramid; vitamin C.
(vī-tĕl′ĭn) A protein that can be extracted from egg yolk and contains lecithin. SEE: nucleoprotein; ovovitellin.
(vī-tĕl′ēn) Pert. to the yolk of an egg or the ovum.
(vī″tĕl-ō-lū′tē-ĭn) [L. vitellus, yolk, + luteus, yellow] A yellow pigment present in lutein.
(vī″tĕl-ō-rū′bĭn) [″ + ruber, red] A red pigment present in lutein.
(vī-tĕl′ōs) A proteose present in vitellin.
(vī-tĕl′ŭs) [L.] The yolk of an ovum, esp. the yolk of a hen's egg.
(vī′teks″ ag′nŭs kast′ŭs) [L., lit. chaste-lamb chaste tree] SEE: chaste tree berry.
(vĭsh″ē-ā′shŭn) [L. vitiare, to corrupt] Injury, contamination, impairment of use or efficiency.
(vĭt″ĭ-lĭj′ĭ-nēz) Depigmented areas of skin. SEE: vitiligo.
(vĭt″ĭ-lĭj′ĭ-nŭs) Pert. to vitiligo.
(vĭt-ĭl-ī′gō) [L.] A skin disorder characterized by the localized loss of melanocytes, with patchy loss of skin pigment. The depigmented areas, which appear most commonly on the hands, face, and genital region, are flat and pale and surrounded by normal pigmentation. Vitiligo affects all ages and races but is most noticeable in people with dark skin. The cause is unknown, but may be an autoimmune process because autoantibodies to melanocytes have been identified and vitiligo often occurs with autoimmune diseases. SYN: leukoderma; piebald skin. SEE: illus.
TREATMENT: Oral and topical synthetic trioxsalen and a natural psoralen, methoxsalen, are used with exposure to long-wave ultraviolet light, but the efficacy is doubtful. The lesions may be masked by use of cosmetic preparations. Vitiliginous areas should be protected from sunburn by applying a 5% aminobenzoic acid solution or gel to the affected areas. The use of 5% fluorouracil ...