(an″thrŏ-pom′ĕt-ĕr) [anthropo- + -meter] A device for measuring the human body and its parts.
(an″thrŏ-pom′ĕ-trē) [anthropo- + -metry] The anthropological science of measuring the human body. The science includes craniometry, osteometry, skin fold evaluation for subcutaneous fat estimation, and height and weight measurements. anthropometric (an″thrŏ-pŏ-me′trik), adj.
(an″thrŏ-pŏ-mor′fizm) [anthropo- + morph- + -ism] Attribution of human qualities to nonhuman organisms, e.g., dogs or cats, or objects. anthropomorphic (an″thrŏ-pŏ-mor′fik), adj. anthropomorphically (an″thrŏ-pŏ-mor′fi-k(ă-)lē), adv.
(an″thrŏ-pof′ă-jē) [anthropo- + -phagia] Cannibalism (1, 3).
anthropophilic, anthropophilous
(an″thrŏ-pŏ-fĭl′ik, -pof′ĭ-lŭs) [anthropo- + -phile] Preferring humans. It is used of parasites that prefer a human host to another animal.
(an″thrŏ-pō″zō″ŏ-nō′sĭs) [anthropo- + zoonosis] 1. An infectious disease transmitted from one human being to another. Examples are rabies and trichinosis. 2. An infectious disease transmitted from humans to other animals. 3. A zoonosis.
[Gr. anti, opposite, in place of] Prefixes meaning against, opposing, counteracting.
(ant″ē-ad″rĕ-nĕr′jik) [anti- + adrenergic] 1. Preventing or counteracting adrenergic action. 2. An agent, e.g., a beta blocker, that counteracts adrenergic effects.
(ănt″ē-ă-gloot′ĭn-ĭn) [anti- + agglutinin] A specific antibody opposing the action of an agglutinin.
(ant″ē-an″ă-fĭ-laks′ĭs) [ anti- + anaphylaxis, protection] Desensitization.
(ant″ē-an′drŏ-jĕn) [anti- + androgen] A substance that inhibits the production of, or blocks cellular receptors for, male hormones. antiandrogenic (-an″drŏ-jen′ik), adj.
(ant″ē-ă-nē′mik) [anti- + anemic] Preventing or curing anemia.
(ant″ē-an-jīn ăl, -an′jĭn-ăl) [anti- + anginal] 1. Preventing or relieving angina pectoris. 2. Any agent used to relieve angina pectoris. Drugs in this class include long- and short-acting nitrates (e.g. nitroglycerin), beta-adrenergic blocking agents, aspirin, and supplemental oxygen.
(ant″ē-an″jē-ō-jen′ĕ-sĭs) [anti- + angiogenesis] Prevention of the formation of new blood vessels, esp. the blood vessels that grow under the influence of malignant tumors. Agents causing antiangiogenesis include angiostatin, endostatin, tetracyclines, and paclitaxel. They are useful in the treatment of cancer. SEE: angiogenesis.
(ant″ē-ant′i-bod-ē) [anti- + antibody] An antibody that blocks the binding site of another antibody. Blocking the site inhibits antibody-antigen binding because the antigen must compete with the antiantibody for the receptor site.
(ant″ē-ant″i-tok′sin) [...