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(an″ŏ-rek′sē-ănt) An appetite suppressant; an anorectic.


(an″ŏ-rek′sik) [anorex(ia) + -ic] 1. Anorectic (1, 3). 2. Pert. to or affected by anorexia nervosa. SYN: anorectic. 3. Someone affected with anorexia, esp. anorexia nervosa. SYN: anorectic.


(an″ŏ-rek″sĭ-jen′ik) [anorexia + -genic] Anorectic. (3)

anorgasmia, anorgasmy

(a″nor-gaz′mē-ă, an′or-gaz″mē) [1an- + orgasm -ia] Inability to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse or masturbation. anorgasmic (a″nor-gaz′mik), adj.


(ā′nŏ-skōp″) [anus + -scope] A speculum for examining the anus and lower rectum. anoscopic (ā″nŏ-skop′ik), adj. anoscopy (ā-nos′kŏ-pē), n.


(a-noz′mē-ă) [1an- + Gr. osmē, stench] Absence or loss of the sense of smell. anosmic (mik), adj. anosmous (mŭs), adj. SYN: anodmia; anosphrasia.


(ă-nō″sog-nō′zē-ă, zhă) [1an- + noso- + Gr. gnōsis, knowledge + -ia] The apparent denial or unawareness of one's own neurological defect. anosognosic (-nō′zik), adj.

visual a. A neurological syndrome in which patients who cannot see deny that they are blind. An excuse such as "I lost my glasses" may be offered. The lesion is in the visual association areas of the cortex of the brain. SYN: Anton's syndrome.


(ā″nō-spīn′ăl) [anus + spinal] Pert. to the anus and spinal cord or to the center in the spinal cord that controls the contraction of the anal sphincter.


(an-ō′sh(ē-)ă) [1an- + oto- + -ia] Congenital malformation with absence of the ears.


(an″ō-trō′pē-ă) [Gr. anō, upwards + -tropia] Tendency of the eyes to turn upward and away from the visual axis.


analysis of variance.


(ā″nō-vaj′ĭn-ăl) [anus +vaginal] Pert. to the anus and vagina.


(ā″nō-ves′ĭ-kăl) [anus + vesical] Pert. to both the anus and urinary bladder.


(an″ov″yŭ-lā′shŏn) [1an- + ovulation] Failure to ovulate. This commonly occurs during the reproductive cycle, beginning in puberty when ovulation is irregular, and recurring after pregnancy and during menopause. Diseases causing anovulation include polycystic ovary syndrome. SEE: ovulation.

hyperandrogenic a. Failure to ovulate as a result of excessive levels of male hormones. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common form of hyperandrogenic anovulation.

anovulatory, anovular

(anov′yŭ -lă-tor″ē, a-nov′yŭ-lăr) [1an- + ovulate] Without ovulation.

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