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A closed-circuit television recording technique used to obtain images while the field is illuminated by use of a stroboscope. Using this provides sequential views of objects in motion.


(vū) [Fr. veue, sight fr. L. viduta, seen] A body part as seen in an x-ray image.

PATIENT CARE: A radiographic view is described from the viewer's perspective, i.e., a PA (posteroanterior) projection is an AP (anteroposterior) view.

view box

A device made of lights placed behind a translucent screen and used to provide backlighting for a radiographic image. It helps clinicians see the brightness, contrast, and details of an image. Also known as an illuminator.


(vij′ĭl) [L. vigilia, watchfulness, eve of a holy fay] Insomnia, wakefulness.

coma v. 1. A delirious, drowsy state in which the patient is partially conscious and occasionally responsive to stimuli. SEE: vigilambulism. 2. An obsolete term for persistent vegetative state. SEE: persistent vegetative state.


(vĭj″ĭl-ăm′bū-lĭzm) [″ + ambulare, to walk, + Gr. -ismos, condition] Automatism that occurs while the person is awake; resembles somnambulism.


(vij′ĭ-lăns) [L. vigilantia, wakefulness] The condition of being attentive, alert, and watchful. vigilant (vij′ĭ-lănt), adj.


(vĭn-yĕt′ĭng) In radiology, a loss in brightness and focus toward the periphery of the output phosphor during image intensification.


(vĭg′or) [L.] Active force or strength of body or mind.

Villaret syndrome

(vē-la-rā′) [Maurice Villaret, Fr. neurologist, 1877–1946] Ipsilateral paralysis of the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and sometimes the 7th cranial nerves and the cervical sympathetic fibers. It is caused by a lesion in the posterior retroparotid space. The signs and symptoms include paralysis and anesthesia of the pharyngeal area with difficulty swallowing; loss of taste sensation in the posterior third of the tongue; paralysis of the vocal cords and the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles; and Horner's syndrome.


(vĭl′ī) [L.] Pl. of villus.


(vĭ-lō′mă) [L. villus, tuft of hair, + Gr. oma, tumor] A villous tumor.

villose, villous

(vĭl′ōs, vĭl′ŭs) [L. villus, tuft of hair] Pert. to or furnished with villi or with fine hairlike extensions.


(vĭl″ōs-ī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the placental villi.


(vĭ-lŏs′ĭ-tē) The condition of being covered with villi.


(vĭl′ŭs) pl. villi [L., tuft of hair] ...

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