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(vĕr″ū-mŏn″tăn-ī′tĭs) [L. veru, spit, dart, + montanus, mountainous, + Gr. itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the verumontanum. SYN: colliculitis.


(vĕr″ū-mŏn-tā′nŭm) [L. veru, spit, dart, + montanus, mountainous] An elevation on the floor of the prostatic portion of the urethra where the seminal ducts enter.

Vesalius, Andreas

(vĕ-sāl′ē-ŭs) Latinized form of Andreas van Wesel (Vesal), Flemish anatomist, 1514–1564.

vein of V. The small emissary vein from the cavernous sinus passing through the foramen of Vesalius (sphenoidal emissary foramen) and conveying blood to the pterygoid plexus.


(vĕ-sī′kă) [L.] A bladder.


(vĕs′ĭ-kăl) Pert. to or shaped like a bladder.


(vĕs′ ĭ-kănt) [L. vesicare, to blister] 1. Blistering; causing or forming blisters. 2. An agent used to produce blisters. It is much less severe in its effects than are escharotics. 3. A blistering gas used in chemical warfare. SYN: vesicatory. SEE: gas, vesicant.


(vĕs″ĭ-kā′shŭn) 1. The process of blistering. 2. A blister.


(vĕs′ĭ-kă-tor″ē) Vesicant.


(ves′ĭ-kĕl) [L. vesicula, a little bladder] 1. A small blister-like elevation on the skin containing serous fluid. Vesicles may vary in diameter from a few millimeters to a centimeter. They may be round, transparent, opaque, or dark elevations of the skin, sometimes containing seropurulent or bloody fluid. In sudamina, they result from sweat that cannot escape from the skin; in herpes, they are mounted on an inflammatory base, having no tendency to rupture but associated with burning pain. In herpes zoster, they follow dermatomes. In dermatitis venenata, they result from contact with poison ivy or oak and are accompanied by great itching. They are also seen in dermatitis herpetiformis or multiformis. In impetigo contagiosa, they occur, esp. in children, in discrete form, flat and umbilicated, filled with straw-colored fluid, with no tendency to break. They dry up, forming yellow crusts with little itching. They are also seen in vesicular eczema, molluscum contagiosum, miliaria (prickly heat or heat rash), chickenpox, smallpox, and scabies. SEE: herpes; miliaria. 2. A membrane-bound container made inside a cell and occasionally released from it.

brain v. One of the five embryonic subdivisions of the brain.

optic v. A hollow outgrowth from the lateral aspects of the embryonic brain. The retinae and optic nerves develop from these paired vesicles.

seminal v. One of two saccular glands below the urinary bladder in males. The duct from each joins the vas deferens on its own side to form the ejaculatory duct. The seminal vesicle produces an alkaline, fructose-rich secretion that enhances ...

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