(a″nĕ-mom′ĕ-tĕr) [Gr. anemos, wind + -meter] In pulmonary function studies, a device for measuring the rate of air flow through a tube. The rate at which air flows into or out of the lung may be measured by using a calibrated anemometer.
(an″en-sef′ă-lē) [Gr. an-, not, + enkephalos, the brain] Congenital absence of the brain and cranial vault, with the cerebral hemispheres missing or reduced to small masses. This condition is incompatible with life. In the U.S., it is present in about 11 out of 100, 000 births. This defect results from the lack of closure of the anterior neural tube. Like other neural tube defects, the risk for anencephaly can be reduced with folic acid supplementation (800 mg daily) taken by women before and during pregnancy. SEE: neural tube defect. anencephalic, anencephalus (an″en-sĕ′făl-ik, an″en-sef′ă-lŭs), adj.
(ă-nef′rik, ā″) [1an- + nephric] Without kidneys.
(ā″nef″rō-jen′ĕ-sĭs) [1an- + nephro- + genesis] Congenital absence of the kidneys.
(an″ĕr-gā′zh(ē-)ă) [1an- + Gr. ergasia, work] Functional inactivity, or an organic psychosis resulting from a structural lesion of the central nervous system.
(ă-nĕr′jē-ă) [1an- + Gr. ergon, work + -ia] Inactivity; lack of energy.
(an′ĕr-jē) Impairment in cell-mediated immune responsiveness to stimulation by an antigen. anergic (ă-nĕr′jik, an′ĕr), adj.
(an′ĕ-royd″) [1an- + Gr. nēros, wet, fluid + -oid] Operating without fluid, such as abarometer that uses atmospheric pressure instead of a liquid such as mercury.
(an″ĕs-thē′zhă) [1an- + esthesi- + -ia] 1. Complete or partial loss of sensation, with or without loss of consciousness, as a result of disease, injury, or administration of an anesthetic agent, usually by injection or inhalation.
PATIENT CARE: Preoperative: Before induction of anesthesia, contact lenses, hearing aids, dentures (partial plates as well as full sets), wristwatches, and jewelry are removed. The anesthesiologist or nurse-anesthetist interviews and examines the patient briefly, assessing general respiratory and cardiovascular health. The patient is questioned regarding compliance with prescribed preoperative fasting. The American Society of Anesthesiologists Guidelines recommend minimum fasting as follows: 2 hours for clear liquids, 4 hours for breast milk, 6 hours for formula, nonhuman milk, or a light meal (tea and toast), and 8 hours for a regular meal (easily remembered as "2-4-6-8"). These guidelines may be modified by individual surgeons for particular patients and their conditions. Baseline vital signs are assessed and recorded. An electrocardiogram, complete blood count, serum chemistries, and urinalysis are ordered for ...