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(val′ĭd) [L. validus, strong] Producing the desired effect; correct.


(val′ĭ-dāt″) [L. validare, to make valid, confirm] To ensure that the item in question is correct; confirm. validation (val′ĭ-dā″shŏn), n.

validation therapy

A communication technique used for patients with moderate to late dementia in which the caregiver makes statements to the patient that demonstrate respect for the patient's feelings and beliefs. This method helps prevent argumentative and agitated behavior. In some cases, the caregiver may need to agree with the patient's statements, even though they are not true or real. It is used when reality orientation is not successful.


(vă-lid′ĭt-ē) [L. validitas, (bodily) strength] 1. The degree to which data or results of a study are correct or true. 2. The extent to which a situation as observed reflects the true situation.

concurrent v. The degree to which two measuring devices or methods agree with each other; the degree to which an unproven measurement instrument matches the results obtained by an instrument known to provide accurate results.

construct v. The degree to which a measurement accurately counts the objects it is intended to evaluate; the fitness of a test to its target or to the theory that it is intended to illuminate. For instance, a researcher wants to determine how important spirituality is to survival in patients with cancer. He or she may design a test to measure spirituality. As a first approximation he or she decides to measure the number of times per month that the subjects attend religious services and to correlate that number with months of survival after the diagnosis of cancer. If the researcher finds that people who report themselves as attending church frequently do not survive cancer more than those who rarely attend church, there are at least two possible explanations for the findings: 1. Spirituality is unrelated to cancer survival; or, 2. the test of spirituality did not have construct validity, i.e., the number of times a month that a person attends church may prove to be an inaccurate measure of religious faith.

external v. The generalizability of research results or the degree to which the results can be applied outside the study group.

face v. The degree to which a measurement is logical, reasonable, or acceptable and therefore, assumed to be true; plausibility.

internal v. The degree to which a scientific investigation demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship between its independent and dependent variables.

predictive v. The degree to which a test measurement of current variables accurately forecasts future results or outcomes.


(val′ēn″, vā′lēn″) [val(eric) + -ine] ABBR: val. A branched-chain amino acid, C5H...

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