[Gr. amphi, on both sides] Prefixes meaning on both sides, on all sides, double. In chemistry, it denotes certain positions or configurations of molecules. SEE: ampho-.
(am″fē-as′tĕr) [amphi- + aster] Diaster.
(am-fĭb′ē-ă) [Gr. amphibia (zōia), (animals) living a double life] A class of cold-blooded tetrapod vertebrates that live on land and in water and includes frogs, toads, and salamanders. Amphibians breathe through gills during their aquatic larval stage but through lungs in their adult stage.
(am-fĭb′ē-ăn) An animal of the class Amphibia. amphibian, adj.
(ăm-fĭb′ē-ŭs) Able to live or function both on land and in water.
(am″fĭb′ŏ-lĭzm) [Gr. amphibolos, doubtful, ambiguous + -ism] The sum of the metabolic pathways that lead to both catabolic and anabolic outcomes, such as beta-oxidation of fatty acids by the liver. The resulting acetyl groups may enter the citric acid cycle for energy production or be used for the synthesis of other lipids or steroids.
(am″fĭ-path′ik) [amphi- + -pathic] In chemistry, having polar and nonpolar (water-soluble and water-insoluble) regions within a single molecule. This two-part structure allows these chemicals to link, or to segregate, oils and water. Phospholipids, bile salts, and detergents are amphipathic molecules.
(am″fĭ-thē′ă-tĕr) [amphi- + theater] An auditorium with tiers of seats around it for students and other observers.
[Gr. amphō, both] Prefix meaning both, on both sides, of both kinds, or double. SEE: amphi-.
(am′fŏ-līt″) [ampho- + (electro)lyte] A substance that acts as a base or an acid, depending on the pH of the solution into which it is introduced. ampholytic (-lit′ik), adj.
(am″fŏ-fil′ik) [ampho- + -philic] Pert. to an amphophilic cell. SEE: amphophilic cell. SYN: amphophil.
amphoteric, amphoterous
(am″fŏ-ter′ik, am-fot′ĕr-ŭs) [Gr. amphoteros, each or both of two] Being able to react as both an acid and a base. amphoterism (am″fŏ-ter′izm), n.
(am″fŏ-ter′ĭ-sĭn) [am- photeric + -in] An antibiotic obtained from a strain of Streptomyces nodosus. The drug is usually administered intravenously to treat deep-seated fungal infections. Premedication with antipyretics, antihistamines, or corticosteroids is often necessary to decrease febrile hypersensitivity reactions. Patients must be monitored for hypokalemia or renal failure.
(am″pĭ-sĭl′ĭn) A semisynthetic penicillin. Trade names include Amcill, Omnipen, Polycillin, and Principen.