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(al″ŏ-trop′ik) [allo- + -tropic] 1. Pert. to the existence of an element in two or more distinct forms with different physical properties. 2. Altered by digestion so as to be changed in its nutritive value. 3. Concerned with the welfare and interests of others; disinterested.


(al′ŏ-tīp″) [allo- + type] Any of the genetic variants of protein that occur in a single species. The serum from a person with one form of allotype could be antigenic to another person. allotypic (al″ŏ-tip′ik), adj. allotypically (-i-k(ă-)lē), adv.

allow natural death

An alternative to "do not resuscitate" or "do not attempt resuscitation" in which a patient or family permits a person's vital functions to cease without medical intervention, such as the maintenance of an artificial airway or the provision of advanced cardiac life support. SEE: do not attempt resuscitation; do not resuscitate.


(ăl′oy″, ă-loy′) [Fr. aloyer, to combine] 1. A metal, e.g., brass, that is the fusion or mixture of two or more metals. 2. A metal, e.g., steel, that is the fusion or mixture of a metal and a nonmetal. In dentistry, several alloys are used to restore teeth. Alloys used to construct cast restorations are often gold- and copper-based alloys. Common so-called silver fillings are alloys of silver, copper, tin, and mercury. The silver-tin-mercury alloys are called amalgams. SEE: dental amalgam.

base metal a. An alloy that does not contain noble metals such as gold or silver. Stainless steel is the most common base metal alloy used in dentistry.

image Base metal alloys should not be cleaned with sodium hypochlorite solutions.

dental casting gold a. A hard or extra-hard alloy used to manufacture crowns, inlays, and onlays.

noble-metal a. An alloy of which one metal is noble (gold, silver, platinum, or palladium). Noble-metal alloys are generally nonreactive and corrosion-resistant.


(al′ŏ-zīm″) [allo- + (en)zyme] An enzyme that has small substitutions in its genetic coding and protein structure.


(al′spīs″) The dried, unripe berries of Pimenta dioica, an aromatic Mexican and Central American evergreen shrub, used as a flavoring agent in cooking and toothpaste and in alternative and herbal medicine. Eugenol, the principal essential oil in allspice, is used as an anesthetic for tooth aches and as a digestive aid.


(al′ĭl) [L. allium, garlic + -yl] C3H5; a univalent unsaturated radical found in garlic and mustard. allylic (ă-lil′ik), adj.

Alma-Ata Declaration

(al′mă ă-tah′) [Capital of Kazakhstan] A declaration made in 1978 at the Conference on Primary Health Care ...

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