(ŭl″tră-fĭl-trā′shŏn) [ultra- + filtration] Filtration of a colloidal substance in which the dispersed particles, but not the liquid, are held back.
(ŭl″tră-mī′krŏ-tōm″) [ultra- + microtome] A microtome that makes extremely thin slices of tissue.
(ŭl″tră-rap′ĭd) [ultra- + rapid] Exceptionally fast; said of, e.g., centrifuges, some chemical reactions, and some forms of tissue fixation or freezing.
(ŭl-tră-son′ik) [ultra- + sonic] Pert. to sounds of frequencies above approx. 20,000 cycles/sec, which are inaudible to the human ear. SEE: supersonic; ultrasonography; ultrasound.
(klēn′ing) The use of high-frequency vibrations to clean instruments.
The use of ultrasonic energy to sterilize objects, including medical and surgical instruments.
(ŭl-tră-son′iks) [ultra- + son- + -ics] The division of acoustics that studies inaudible sounds, i.e., those with frequencies greater than 20,000 cycles/sec (20,000 Hz or 20 kHz). Biological effects may result, depending on the intensity of the beams. Heating effects are produced by beams of low intensity, paralytic effects by those of moderate intensity, and lethal effects by those of high intensity. The lethal action of ultrasonics is primarily the result, either directly or indirectly, of cavitation of tissues. Ultrasonics is used clinically for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes; diagnostic ultrasound uses transducers that emit in the range from 2 to 15 MHz. In dentistry, instruments producing 29 kHz are used in periodontal surgery, curettage, and root planing. SEE: ultrasound.
(ŭl″tră-son′ŏ-gram″) [ultra- + sonogram] The image produced by use of ultrasonography.
(ŭl″tră-sŏ-nog′ră-fē) [ultra- + sonography] The use of ultrasound to produce an image or photograph of an organ or tissue. SYN: echography; sonography. ultrasonographic (ŭl″tră-son″ŏ-graf′ik), adj.
arterial duplex u. Ultrasonography to help identify areas within arteries where blood flow is blocked or reduced. SEE: LEAS.
Doppler u. The shift in frequency produced when an ultrasound wave is echoed from something in motion. The use of the Doppler effect permits measuring the velocity of that which is being studied, e.g., blood flow in a vessel. SEE: illus.
Doppler probe used on abdomen
endobronchial u. ABBR: EBUS. Ultrasonography in which a bronchoscope is fitted with an ultrasound transducer to identify masses adjacent to the bronchi. EBUS ...