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Agent Orange

A defoliant used extensively by U.S. military forces in the Vietnam War. It was composed of 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T. The 2, 4, 5-T was discovered to be contaminated with TCDD. The defoliant was stored in 55-gallon drums painted with an orange stripe.

PRESUMPTIVE DIAGNOSES: The U.S. government accepts that the following illnesses are the result of exposure to Agent Orange: AL amyloidosis, B-cell leukemias, chloracne, diabetes mellitus, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, ischemic heart disease, multiple myeloma, Parkinson disease, prostate cancers, porphyria cutánea tarda, respiratory cancers, and soft tissue sarcomas. SEE: chloracne for illus; TCDD.


(ā″jĕ-rā′zh(ē-)ă) [a- + Gr. geras, old age] Healthy, vigorous old age; youthful appearance of an old person.

age retardation

Life extension.


(āj′spĕ-sif′ik) Pert. to conditions that vary with different stages of development or years of life.

ageusia, ageustia

(ă-gū′zē-ă, ă-gū′stē-ă) [a- + Gr. geuesthai, to taste] Absence, partial loss, or impairment of the sense of taste. SEE: dysgeusia; hypergeusesthesia; hypogeusia.

ETIOLOGY: Ageusia may be caused by disease of the chorda tympani or of the gustatory fibers, excessive use of condiments, the effect of certain drugs, aging, or lesions involving sensory pathways or taste centers in the brain.

central a. Ageusia due to a cerebral lesion.

conduction a. Ageusia due to a lesion involving sensory nerves of taste.

peripheral a. Ageusia due to a disorder of taste buds of the mucous membrane of tongue.


(ă-glom′ĕ-rāt″) [L. agglomerare, to roll into a ball] To congregate; form a mass. agglomeratio (-rā′shŏn), n.

agglutin-, agglutino-

[L. agglutinare, to glue to] Prefixes meaning clumping or-gluing.


(ă-gloot′ĭn-ănt) [L. agglutinare, to glue] 1. A substance causing adhesion. 2. Causing union by adhesion, as in the healing of a wound. 3. Agglutinin.


(ă-gloot″ĭn-ā′shŏn) [L. agglutinare, to glue to] 1. A type of antigen-antibody reaction in which a solid cell or particle coated with antigens drops out of solution when it is exposed to a previously soluble antibody. The particles involved commonly include red blood cells, bacteria, and inert carriers such as latex. Agglutination also refers to laboratory tests used to detect specific antigens or antibodies in disease states. When agglutination involves red blood cells, it is called hemagglutination. 2. Adhesion of surfaces of a wound.

direct a. The formation of an insoluble network of antigens and their antibodies, when the antigen is mixed with specific antiserum. Direct agglutination reactions ...

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