aesculus hippocastanum
(es′kŭ-lŭs hip″ō-kas′tă-nŭm) [L. aesculus hippocastanum, horse-chestnut oak] SEE: horse chestnut.
aesthetics, esthetics
(es-thet′iks) [Gr. aisthētikos, pert. to sensation] A philosophy or theory of beauty and the fine arts. Aesthetics are important in dental restorations and in plastic and cosmetic surgery.
atrial flutter; atrial fibrillation.
(ā″-feb′ rīl″, -fēb′) [a- + febrile] Without fever; apyretic.
(af′ekt″) [L. affectus, acted on; mental or emotional state] In psychology, the emotional reaction associated with an experience. SEE: mood.
blunted a. Greatly diminished emotional response to a situation or condition.
flat a. Virtual absence of emotional response to a situation or condition.
(ă-fek′shŏn) [Fr. fr. L. affectio, disposition] 1. A feeling of attachment; fondness. 2. Physical or mental disease.
(a-fek′tiv) Pert. to an emotion or mental state. affectively (a-fek′tiv-lē), adv. affectivity (a″fek″ti′vĭ-tē), n.
A cause of diagnostic error in which a clinician's emotional state affects his or her ability to treat a patient.
A group of disorders marked by a disturbance of mood accompanied by a full or partial manic or depressive syndrome that is not caused by any other physical or mental disorder.
(af′ĕ-rĕnt, a-fer′ĕnt) [L. afferre, to carry to] Transporting toward a center, e.g., as a sensory nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system or to some blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. SEE: efferent.
afferent loop syndrome
A group of gastrointestinal symptoms that occur in some patients who have had partial gastric resection with gastrojejunostomy. The condition is caused by partial obstruction of an incompletely draining segment of bowel. In some cases there is bacterial overgrowth in the afferent loop. Signs and symptoms may include abdominal bloating, fever, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, and pain after eating. Patients may suffer intestinal obstruction, or organ necrosis and perforation.
(af″ĭ-dā′vit) [L. affidare, to swear an oath] A voluntary written or printed statement submitted to an officer of the court and whose truthfulness is asserted by an oath or affirmation.
(ă-fi-lē-ā′shŏn) [L. affiliare, to adopt as one's child] 1. Membership in a larger organization. 2. Association. In nursing or medical education, the administrative merger of two hospitals or schools of ...