(ad″al-im′ŭ-mab″) A monoclonal antibody used to treat psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Its trade name is Humira.
(ad″ă-man′tēn″, ad″ă-man′tīn″, ad″ă-mant′ĭn) [Gr. adamantinos, pert. to the hardest metal or to a diamond] 1. Extremely hard or lustrous. 2. In dentistry, pert. to dental enamel.
(ad″ă-mant″ĭn-ō′mă) [adamantine + -oma] Ameloblastoma.
(ad′ămz) A prominence in the midline of the throat, formed by the junction of two lateral wings of the thyroid cartilage. SYN: laryngeal prominence; pomum adami; prominentia laryngea.
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration.
Adams-Stokes syndrome
(ad′ămz-stōks′) SEE: Stokes-Adams syndrome.
(ă-dap ă-lēn″) A topical retinoid (vitamin A analogue) used to treat acne. It is marketed as a gel in combination with benzoyl peroxide. Redness, itching, discoloration of the skin, and photosensitivity may occur with use. SEE: benzoyl peroxide.
(ad″ap″tā′shŏn) [L. adaptare, to adjust] 1. Adjustment of an organism to a change in internal or external conditions or circumstances. 2. Adjustment of the eye to various intensities of light, accomplished by changing the size of the pupil and accompanied by chemical changes occurring in the rods. 3. In psychology, a change in quality, intensity, or distinctness of a sensation that occurs after continuous stimulation of constant intensity. 4. In dentistry, the proper fitting of dentures or bands to the teeth or closeness of a filling to the walls of a cavity. adaptational (-shŏ-năl), adj. adaptationally (-lē), adv.
chromatic a. A change in hue or saturation, or both, resulting from pre-exposure to light of other wavelengths.
color a. The fading of intensity of color perception after prolonged visual stimulation.
dark a. Adjustment of the eyes for vision in dim light. SYN: scotopia.
light a. Changes that occur in a dark-adapted eye in order for vision to occur in moderate or bright light. Principal changes are contraction of the pupil and breakdown of rhodopsin. Bright sunlight has 30, 000 times the intensity of bright moonlight, but the eye adapts so that visual function is possible under both conditions. SEE: night vision; vision.
occupational a. ABBR: OA. A practice model used by the occupational therapist to provide strategies for interpreting and enhancing observed patient performance and for facilitating mastery for the patient over performance challenges. SEE: conceptual model; occupational therapy.
postural a. The ability to maintain balance and remain upright during changes in position and challenges to stability. SEE: postural control.