(absis′ă) [L. abscindere, to cut off] The horizontal line, or x-axis, in a graph of a two-dimensional coordinate system in which perpendicular horizontal and vertical lines are used in order to provide a frame of reference. The ordinate is the vertical line, or y-axis.
(ab-si′zhŏn) [L. abscindere, to cut off] Removal by cutting off; excision.
(ab-skō′păl) Concerning the effect of radiation on tissues at some distance from the actual radiation site or target.
(ab′sĕns) [Fr. fr. L. absentia] 1. Brief temporary loss of consciousness, as may occur in petit mal epilepsy. 2. Lack of development of a structure.
(ab″sĕn-tē′izm) [absentee + -ism] Prolonged or repeated absence from work, school, or assigned duties.
(ab-sid′ē-ă) A genus of pathogenic fungi of the order Phycomycetes and the family Mucoraceae.
(ab′sinth) [L. fr. Grapsinthion, wormwood] A bitter, green, distilled, highly alcoholic, anise-flavored spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves wormwood, green anise, sweet fennel, and other herbs. By 1915, absinthe had been banned in the U.S. and in much of Europe because of its alleged toxicity. A revival of absinthe began in the 1990s, and, by the early 21st century, nearly 200 brands of absinthe were being produced in a dozen countries, including the U.S. SEE: wormwood.
(ab-sin′thē-ŭm) [absinthe + -ium (2)] Wormwood.
(ab″sŏ-loot′) [L. absolvere, to set free] 1. Unrestricted, complete, total. 2. Pureor highly concentrated.
absolute benefit increase
ABBR: ABI. The beneficial effect of an intervention or treatment in a clinical trial. It consists of the number of events observed in the experimental cohort minus the number of events in the control group. The term is the opposite of the "absolute risk increase."
absolute risk increase
ABBR: ARI. A measure of the negative effect of an intervention or treatment in a clinical trial. It consists of the number of adverse events found in the experimental group minus the number of adverse events in the control group. It is the opposite of the "absolute benefit increase."
(ăb-sorb′) [Fr. fr. L. absorbere, to suck in] To take in, suck up, or imbibe. SEE: absorption; adsorb; adsorption.
(ăb-sor′băns) 1. In health care, the ability of a material or a tissue to absorb electromagnetic radiation, esp. ionizing radiation. 2. In chemistry, the negative logarithm of the transmittance of radiation through a ...