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trauma injury severity score

ABBR: TRISS. A calculation of the probability that an injured person will survive serious trauma. It is made on the basis of the patient's age, the type of trauma (blunt versus penetrating), and the injury severity score and revised trauma score.

Trauma Score

Numerical grading system that combines the Glasgow Coma Scale and measurements of cardiopulmonary function as a gauge of severity of injury and as a predictor of survival after blunt trauma to the head. Each parameter is given a number (high for normal and low for impaired or absent function). Severity of injury is estimated by summing the numbers. The lowest score is 1, the highest 16. SEE: table.

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Revised Trauma Score (RTS)
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) Respiratory Rate (RR) Coded Value
13–15 >89 10–29 4
9–12 76–89 >29 3
6–8 50–75 6–9 2
4–5 1–49 1–5 1
3 0 0 0
RTS = 0.9368 GCSc + 0.7326 SBPc + 0.2908 RRc coded values × revised score coefficient

SOURCE: From Champion, HR, et al: J Trauma 29:623–629, 1989.


(traw-măt′ĭk) [Gr. traumatikos] Pert. to or caused by an injury.


(traw′mă-tĭzm) [Gr. traumatismos] A morbid condition of a system owing to an injury or a wound.

traumato-, traumat-

[Gr. trauma, stem traumat-, wound] Prefixes meaning trauma, wound.


(traw-mă-tŏl′ō-jē) [Gr. trauma, wound, + logos, word, reason] The branch of surgery dealing with wounds and their care.


(traw″mă-tŏp′ă-thē) [″ + pathos, disease, suffering] A pathological state caused by trauma.


(traw″mă-tŏp-nē′ă) [″ + pnoia, breath] The passage of air in and out of a wound in the chest wall.


(trav′ĕl) 1. To move from place to place, e.g., from one country to another. 2. The act of moving among different places or countries. About 1 billion people travel annually, and about a third of these travel to regions of the world where the risk of infectious diseases is highest. Health risks include deep venous thrombosis, diarrhea, geographically specific infections (such as malaria), injury, insomnia, rashes, colds, and influenza. Approx. 50% of all travelers to developing nations say they became ill during travel; about 8% of all travelers seek medical care on their return home.

travel for transplantation

The movement of organs, donors, recipients, or medical transplant professionals across national borders for transplantation purposes. Travel for transplantation becomes transplant tourism if it involves organ trafficking and/or transplant commercialism or if the organs, ...

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