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(trăn-zĭsh′ŭn-ăl) Pert. to or marked by change.

transitional year

In graduate medical education, a structured educational experience in a general field of study prior to enrollment in a medical or surgical specialty.

transition state

In a chemical reaction, the unstable structures and energies of the reactants that result from the weakening of chemical bonds and separation of atoms before they recombine as new compounds.


(trănz-jŭg′ū -lĕr) Through the jugular vein.


(trănz″kăr-ē-ōt′ĭk) Binding or attachment, e.g., of white blood cells as they migrate through tissues.


(tranz″lā′bē-ăl) [trans- + labial] 1. Through or across the labia majora. 2. Radiological examination that penetrates the labial and vaginal tissues to examine the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.


(trans-lā′shŏn, tranz-) [L. translatus, carried across, transferred (the perfect participle of transferre)] 1. The synthesis of proteins under the direction of ribonucleic acid. 2. A change from one place to another or a conversion from one form into another.


(tranz′lāt ŏr) [L. translatus, carried across, transferred] 1. A person or machine that renders content from one written work or computer program into another. 2. A (foreign) language interpreter.


(trăns″lō-kā′shŭn) [″ + locus, place] 1. The alteration of a chromosome by transfer of a portion of it either to another chromosome or to another portion of the same chromosome. The latter is called shift or intrachange. When two chromosomes interchange material, it is called reciprocal translocation. 2. Movement of bacteria across the intestinal wall to invade the body. 3. The linear motion of one structure across the parallel surface of another.


(trăns-lū′sĕnt) [″ + lucens, shining] Not transparent but permitting passage of light.


(trănz-lū′mĭ-năl) Within or through the internal bore or cylindrical channel within a blood vessel.


(trans″meth′ĭ-lās″) Methyltransferase.


(trăns″mĕth-ĭ-lā′shŭn) The process in the metabolism of amino acids in which a methyl group is transferred from one compound to another; for example, the conversion in the body of homocysteine to methionine. In this case, the methyl group is furnished by choline or betaine.


(trănz″mī-grā′shŭn) [″ + migrare, to move from place to place] Wandering across or through, esp. the passage of white blood cells through capillary membranes into the tissues.

external t. Transfer of an ovum from an ovary to an opposite tube through the pelvic cavity.


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