In drug therapy, pert. to an effect determined by how long a drug is present at its site of action. For example, in the treatment of an infectious disease, it refers to how long an antibiotic binds to or blocks the metabolic activities of a bacterium.
ABBR: TUGT. A test that measures mobility by assessing the time it takes for a person to rise from a chair, walk a measured distance, and turn around. The test is used to assess balance and gait, esp. in older adults.
A personal record of how time is used or managed by a patient or client. It provides a detailed outline of daily activities, including the subject's primary and secondary activities, social interaction, and places where daily activities occur. SYN: time diary.
(tīm′owt″) 1. A method of discipline that involves removing a child from social interaction and placing him or her in a restful environment, i.e., a quiet room, for a few minutes because of unacceptable behavior. 2. In giving informed consent for a procedure, a brief period when the patient is left alone to reflect upon the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the proposed procedure before being asked to decide to accept or reject it.
The psychological stress that results from having to get things done in less time than is needed or desired. SYN: time crunch; time squeeze.
(tīm′ĕr) A device for measuring, signaling, recording, or otherwise indicating elapsed time. Various forms of timers are used in radiographic, surgical, and laboratory work.
time-to-event analysis
The number of menstrual cycles it takes to fertilize an ovum, either as a result of intercourse or with the use of assisted fertility methods.
ABBR: TTP. In cancer care, the number of months after the disease is recognized or treated before the patient feels worse or experiences poor health.
time to treatment failure, time-to-treatment failure
ABBR: TTF. In cancer care, the number of months after the disease is treated before the cancer spreads and the patient's health worsens.
An inventory of the activities of a population of interest, used, e.g., to measure economic productivity, health risks, leisure pursuits, and traffic flow.