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(thĕr″mō-rĕg′ū -lă-tor″ē) Pert. to the regulation of temperature, esp. body temperature.


(thĕr″mō-rē-zĭs′tănt) [″ + L. resistentia, resistance] Pert. to an ability to survive in relatively high temperature, characteristic of some types of bacteria.


(thĕr″mō-stā′bĭl) [″ + L. stabilis, stable] Not changed or destroyed by heat.


(thĕr′mŏ-stat″) A device for regulating the temperature.


(thĕr″mō-tăks′ĭs) [″ + taxis, arrangement] 1. Regulation of bodily temperature. 2. The movement of certain organisms or cells toward (positive thermotaxis) or away from (negative thermotaxis) heat.


(thĕr″mŏ-ther′ă-pē) [thermo- + therapy] The therapeutic application of heat to the body or to specific diseased tissues. Heat may be applied superficially with moist hot packs, paraffin bath, fluidotherapy, hot stones, infrared light, and hydrotherapy. Deepheating agents include ultrasound, diathermy, and lasers.


(thĕr″mŏ-tol′ĕ-rănt) [thermo- + L. tolerant] Of bacteria, able to survive in high temperature, esp. of pasteurization. SYN: thermoduric. SEE: pasteurization.


(thē′royd) [Gr. thēr, wild animal, predator +-oid] Having the instincts and characteristics of an animal.


transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy.


(thī-ăm′ĭ-nās) An enzyme that hydrolyzes thiamine.

thiamine hydrochloride

(thī′ă-mēn″) [″ + ″] C12H17ClN4OS·HCl; a watersoluble, white crystalline compound that occurs naturally or can be synthesized. It is found in a wide variety of foods including sunflower seeds, pork, whole and enriched grains, legumes, brewers yeast, and fortified baked goods. The daily requirement for adults is 1.2 mg/day for men and 1.1 mg/day for women. SYN: antiberiberi vitamin; vitamin B1.

FUNCTION: It acts as a coenzyme of carboxylases in the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and is therefore essential for the liberation of energy and the transfer of pyruvic acid into the Krebs cycle.

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Symptoms may include fatigue, muscle tenderness and increased irritability, disturbances of extraocular movement, loss of appetite, or cardiovascular disturbances. Alcoholics are especially prone to develop thiamine deficiency. Prolonged severe deficiency, e.g., during starvation, results in beriberi.

thiamine pyrophosphate

(thī′ă-mĭn, -mēn″pī″rō-fŏs′fāt″) An enzyme important in carbohydrate metabolism. It is the active form of thiamine. In people suspected of malnutrition, administering thiamine before the infusion of solutions that contain glucose prevents brain damage (Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy). SYN: cocarboxylase.


(thī′ă-zŏ″lĭ-dēn-dī-ŏn) A class of oral hypoglycemic agents that lowers blood sugars by reducing insulin resistance (improving tissue sensitivity ...

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