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(sĭn″ăp-tŏl′ō-jē) [″ + logos, word, reason] The study of synapses.


(sin″ap-top′ă-thē) [synapt(ic) + -pathy] Any disease or injury to the structures or functioning of nerve synapses.


(sin-ap″tō-fī′sin) A cell membrane glycoprotein (molecular mass 38kD) found in presynaptic neuronal vesicles and in cells of the adrenal medulla.


(sin″bī″ot′iks) [syn- + biotics] Synergistic blends of prebiotics and probiotics used to treat irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. synbiotic, adj.

sync, synch

(singk) [sync(hronization)] In cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), pert. to electrical shocks delivered to a patient during CPR. Synchronized electrical shocks should be used to treat a patient with a tachycardic heart rhythm when that arrhythmia is poorly tolerated, but not immediately life threatening. Fatal arrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, should be treated with immediate, unsynchronized defibrillation.


(sĭn″kŏn-drō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] An immovable joint having surfaces between the bones connected by cartilages. This may be temporary, in which case the cartilage eventually becomes ossified, or permanent. SYN: symphysis cartilaginosa.




(sing′krŏ-nīz″) [Gr. synchronizein, to be contemporary with] ABBR: SYNC. To coordinate the timing of two or more events or processes. In electrical cardioversion, for example, a shock to the heart is delivered when an R wave is detected on a cardiac monitor. Synchronized shocks are used to treat rhythms such as atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, or supraventricular tachycardia, in which QRS complexes are recognizable. In these arrhythmias, unsynchronized shocks might induce ventricular fibrillation. synchronization (-nĭ-zā′shŏn), n.

synchronous communication

SEE: under communication.


(sĭng′krŏ-nē) The simultaneous occurrence of separate events. SYN: synchronism. synchronous, adj.


(sĭng′kră-trŏn″) A particle accelerator used in medical imaging that accelerates positively or negatively charged particles.


(sĭn′kĭs-ĭs) [Gr., confound] The fluid state of the vitreous of the eye.


(sĭn-klī′năl) [Gr. synklinein, to lean together] Inclined in the same direction toward a point.


(sĭn′klĭt-ĭzm) [Gr. synklinein, to lean together, + -ismos, condition] Parallelism between the planes of the fetal head and those of the maternal pelvis.


(sĭn′klō-nŭs) [″ + klonos, turmoil] 1. The simultaneous clonic contraction of several muscles. 2. A disease marked by muscular spasms.


(sing′kŏ-pē, sing′kŏ-pē) [Gr. synkopē, fainting] Transient, usually sudden ...

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