(sid′ĕn-ăm) [Thomas Sydenham, Brit. physician, 1624–1689] A rare neurological syndrome associated with acute rheumatic fever, marked by involuntary dancing movements of the muscles of the trunk and extremities, anxiety and other psychological symptoms, and, occasionally, cognitive disorders. It is not often seen in Western societies because of the prompt and effective treatment of most cases of strep throat.
TREATMENT: Benzodiazepines, such as diazepam or lorazepam, are given to limit the choreiform movements. Penicillin or another appropriate antibiotic is given to eradicate the streptococcal infection causing the rheumatic fever.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery usually occurs within 2 to 3 months. Relapses, esp. in young women, may occur when oral contraceptives are used or during pregnancy. Other complications, such as congestive heart failure or death, may result from the carditis that accompanies rheumatic fever. SYN: chorea minor.
(sĭl′ă-bŭs) [Gr. syllabos, table of contents] An abstract of a lecture or outline of a course of study or of a book.
(sil′vē-ăn) [Sylvi(us) + L. adj. suffix a-anus] 1. Pert. to Franciscus Sylvius. "Sylvian" usually refers to the "fissure of Sylvius." SEE: Sylvius, Franciscus. 2. Pert. to Jacobus Sylvius. SEE: Sylvius, Jacobus.
(sil′vē-ŭs) Franciscus Sylvius, Latinization of François Dubois (Franz de le Boë), Dutch anatomist, 1614–1672.
fissure of S. SEE: sylvian fissure.
(sil′vē-ŭs) Jacobus Sylvius, Latinization of Jacques Dubois, Fr. anatomist, 1478–1555.
aqueduct of S. A narrow canal from the third to the fourth ventricle. SYN: aqueductus cerebri; cerebral aqueduct; sylvian aqueduct.
(sim′bē-ont″) [syn- + biont, a discreet living organism] An organism that lives with another in a state of symbiosis.
(sim″bē-ō′sĭs) [Gr. symbiōsis, living together, companionship] 1. The living together in close association of two organisms of different species. There are three kinds of symbiosis: commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. SEE: commensalism; mutualism; parasitism. 2. In psychiatry, a dependent, mutually reinforcing relationship between two people. In a healthy context, it is characteristic of the infant-mother relationship. In an unhealthy context, it may accentuate shared depression or paranoia.
(sĭm′bī-ōt) [syn- + Gr. bios, life] An organism symbiotic with another.
(sĭm″bī-ŏt′ĭk) Pert. to symbiosis.
(sĭm-blĕf′ă-rŏn) [″ + blepharon, eyelid] An adhesion between the conjuctivae of the lid and the eyeball, typically caused by burns with acids or bases, surgical trauma, or inadequately treated infections; also caused by Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pemphigoid, and trachoma. The adhesions are surgically ...