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Sudeck disease, Sudeck atrophy

(soo′dek″) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.


sudden unexpected (or unexplained) death in epilepsy. People with epilepsy are approx. 10 times more likely to die than other people of the same age and general health.


(sood′ŏ-mōt″ŏr) [sudor + motor] Pert. to the nerves that stimulate the secretion of sweat.


(sood′ŏr, soo′dor″) [L. sudor, sweat] Sweat.


(sood″ŏ-rif′ik) [L. sudorificus, producing sweat] Diaphoretic.


1. To initiate legal action. 2. To make a petition or pleading to the court.


(sū′ĕt) [Fr. sewet, suet] A hard fat from cattle or sheep kidneys and loins, used as the base of certain ointments and as an emollient.


1. To experience pain or distress. 2. To be subjected to injury, loss, or damages.


(sŭf′ō-kāt) [L. suffocare] To Impair respiration; to smother, asphyxiate.


(sŭf″ō-kā′shŭn) Deprivation of air exchange, e.g., by drowning, smothering, or other forms of airway obstruction, that produces an intense sensation of air hunger. SYN: asphyxiation. SEE: asphyxia; resuscitation; unconsciousness.

s., risk for Vulnerable to inadequate air availability for inhalation. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.


(sŭ-fū′zhŏn) [L. suffusio, a pouring over] 1. Extravasation. 2. A color or liquid spread over or through something, esp. of blood as in conjunctivitis.


(shug′ăr) [Ult. fr. Arabic sukkar via L. succarum] A sweet-tasting, low-molecular-weight carbohydrate of the monosaccharide or disaccharide groups. Common sugars include fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, and xylose. Oral or parenteral administration of sugars can prevent hypoglycemia caused by insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.

 CLASSIFICATION: Sugars are classified in two ways: the number of atoms of simple sugars yielded on hydrolysis by a molecule of the given sugar and the number of carbon atoms in the molecules of the simple sugars so obtained. Therefore, glucose is a monosaccharide because it cannot be hydrolyzed to a simpler sugar; it is a hexose because it contains six carbon atoms per molecule. Sucrose is a disaccharide because on hydrolysis it yields two molecules, one of glucose and one of fructose. SEE: carbohydrate.

PATIENT CARE: The World Health Organization recommends that the consumption of refined sugars be limited to less than 10%, and preferably less than 5% of all daily calories.

birch s. Xylose.

blood s. Glucose in the blood, normally 60 ...

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