(strān) [ME strene, OE strēon, lineage, srtck] 1. A stock of bacteria or protozoa from a specific source and maintained in successive cultures or animal inoculation. 2. A hereditary streak or tendency.
(strān) [ME streinen, fr. Fr. estreindere, fr. L. stringere, to draw tight] 1. To pass through, as a filter. 2. To injure by making too strong an effort or by excessive use. 3. Excessive use of a part of the body so that it is injured.4. Trauma to muscles and tendons from violent contraction or excessive or forcible stretch. It may be associated with failure of the synergistic action of muscles. 5. To make a great effort, as in straining to have a bowel movement. This is done by means of the Valsalva maneuver, which increases intra-abdominal pressure and helps to expel feces. 6. Force applied per unit area. Tension, compression, or shear stress placed on a tissue leads to distortion of the structure and the release of energy. 7. Psychological trauma.
riders' s. Strain of the adductor longus muscles of the thigh, resulting from strain in riding horseback.
(strān′ĕr) 1. A device for retaining solid pieces while liquid passes through. SYN: filter. 2. In river rescue, a place where water moves through grating, wire mesh, or downed trees.
(strāt) [O.Fr. estreit, narrow] A constricted or narrow passage.
s. of pelvis The inferior and superior openings of the true pelvis.
A shirt with long sleeves that are tied behind a patient to restrain his or her arms.
Because patients placed in physical restraints may suffer injury from these restraints, such restraints should be applied to patients only under legally accepted guidelines and protocols.
(stră-mō′nē-ŭm) [L.] The dried leaves of the toxic anticholinergic plant Datura stramonium. SYN: jimson weed.
(strand) A single thread or fiber, e.g., of nucleic acids in a chromosome.
(străng′gl) [L. strangulare, halter] 1. To choke or suffocate. 2. To be choked from compression of the trachea.
(străng″gū-lā′shŭn) [L. strangulare, halter] The compression or constriction of a part, as the bowel or throat, causing suspension of breathing or of the passage of contents. Congestion accompanies this condition. strangulated, adj.
internal s. The entrapment of a segment of the intestine in an internal hernia or by adhesion, or through a rent or hiatus in the diaphragm, which leads to vascular compromise with ensuing gangrene.