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(stim″yŭ-lāt′ŏr) Someone or something that stimulates.

B lymphocyte s. A cytokine that is related to tumor necrosis factor, is released by dendritic cells, and regulates the maturation of B cells. SYN: B cell activating factor.

long-acting thyroid s. ABBR: LATS. An IgG autoantibody that binds to the thyroid-stimulating hormoneceptor, stimulating the excessive production of thyroid hormones and causing hyperthyroidism. LATS is found in the blood of about 75% of patients with Graves disease but is used rarely for diagnostic purposes, because the diagnosis usually can be established on clinical grounds, i.e., on finding a patient with hyperthyroidism with a diffuse, nontender goiter, exophthalmos, and/or pretibial myxedema. SYN: thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin; TSH-receptor antibody.


(stĭm′ū-lŭs) pl. stimuli [L., a goad] 1. A change of environment of sufficient intensity to evoke a response in an organism. 2. An excitant or irritant.

adequate s. 1. Any stimulus capable of evoking a response, i.e., an environmental change possessing a certain intensity, acting for a certain length of time, and occurring at a certain rate. 2. A stimulus capable of initiating a nerve impulse in a specific type of receptor.

chemical s. A chemical (liquid, gaseous, or solid) that is capable of evoking a response.

conditioned s. A stimulus that gives rise to a conditioned response. SEE: conditioned reflex.

electric s. A stimulus resulting from initiation of or cessation of a flow of electrons as from a battery, induction coil, or generator.

homologous s. A stimulus that acts only on specific sensory end organs.

iatrotropic s. Any stimulus or event that makes a person seek or receive medical attention, such as a symptom, a physical finding, or the need for a routine or required health screening examination.

liminal s. Threshold s.

mechanical s. A stimulus produced by a physical change such as contact with objects or changes in pressure.

minimal s. Threshold s.

nociceptive s. A painful and usually injurious stimulus.

subliminal s. A stimulus that is weaker than a threshold stimulus.

thermal s. A stimulus produced by a change in skin temperature, a rise giving sensations of warmth, a fall giving sensations of coldness.

threshold s. The least or weakest stimulus that is capable of initiating a response or giving rise to a sensation. SYN: liminal s.; minimal s.

unconditioned s. Any stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response, i.e., a response that occurs by reflex rather than by learning.


[AS stinge] 1. A sharp, smarting sensation, as of a ...

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