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(splĭn′tĕr) [MD. splinte, a wedge] 1. A fragment from a fractured bone. 2. A slender, sharp piece of material piercing or embedded in the skin or subcutaneous tissue.

splinter hemorrhage

SEE: under hemorrhage.


(splĭnt′ ĭng) 1. Fixation of a dislocation or fracture with a splint. Splints are also used to help support weak joints, to assist actively with functional movement, to immobilize to promote healing, and to protect from injury and deformity. 2. Involuntary tensing of muscles to limit the pain that results from moving them or rubbing them over inflamed, internal body parts.


(splĭt) [D. splitten, to divide] 1. A longitudinal fissure. 2. Characterized by a deep fissure.

split-brain surgery

SEE: under surgery.

split ejaculate

In sperm analysis, the separation of the first drops of ejaculated semen from the rest of the ejaculate. The earliest ejaculated fluid contains the highest concentration of spermatozoa. Latter ejaculate contains relatively more seminal fluid.

split-mixed insulin dosing

(split′mikst′) An insulin regimen for diabetic patients in which long- and short-acting insulin doses are given two or more times a day.

PATIENT CARE: A typical regimen divides the total daily dose of insulin by giving two thirds of the daily requirement in the morning and one third in the evening. The morning dose consists of two thirds of a long-acting agent and one third of an immediate or short-acting insulin or insulin analogue. The evening insulin dose is divided equally between long- and rapid-acting insulins. The evening dose is sometimes divided into two separate injections, with the rapid-acting insulin given before the evening meal and the long-acting insulin given at bedtime.


(split′thik′nĕss) Pert. to a graft consisting of the epidermis and part of the dermis.


(split′ing) 1. In chemistry, the breaking up of complex molecules into two or more simpler compounds. 2. A defense mechanism found in some children and some patients with personality disorders, in which people or things are represented as being either very good (because they support one's desires or behaviors) or very bad (because they are obstructive to those desires or behaviors).


The saturation of arterial blood with oxygen as measured by pulse oximetry, expressed as a percentage. SEE: oximetry.

spoken word recognition

The ability to hear the speech of others and to recognize the sounds as words rather than as some other auditory stimuli.


(spŏl″ĭ-gō-tīp′ĭng) [fr. sp(acer) ...

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