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spiritual well-being, readiness for enhanced

A pattern of experiencing and integrating meaning and purpose in life through connectedness with self, others, art, music, literature, nature, and/or a power greater than oneself, which can be strengthened. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.


(spī″rō-kē′tă) [Gr. speira, coil, + chaite, hair] A genus of slender, spiral, motile bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae. The species are saprophytes in water and soil.


(spī′rō-kēt) Any member of the order Spirochaetales.




(spī″rō-kē-tē′mē-ă) [″ + chaite, hair, + haima, blood] Spirochetes in the blood.


(spī′rō-grăm″) [L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. gramma, something written] A record made by a spirograph or a spirometer, demonstrating lung volumes and airflow.


(spī′rō-grăf) [″ + Gr. graphein, to write] A graphical record of respiratory movements.


(spī-rō′mă) [″ + oma, tumor] Multiple, benign, cystic epithelioma of the sweat glands. SEE: spiradenoma.


(spī-rŏm′ĕt-ĕr) [L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. metron, measure] An apparatus used to measure lung volumes and air flow. The following are typical measurements made on adult patients by using the spirometer: inspiratory reserve volume: the amount that a subject can still inhale by special effort after a normal inspiration; expiratory reserve volume: the volume of air that can still be exhaled after a normal exhalation; tidal volume: the volume of air exhaled or inhaled during normal breathing; vital capacity: the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximal inhalation; forced vital capacity or forced expiratory volume: the air that can be exhaled during a maximal exhalation.


(spī-rom′ĕ-tră, spi-rom′ĕtră) A genus of tapeworm of the order Pseudophyllidea. Several species may cause sparganosis in humans.

S. mansoni An elongated plerocercoid species, 3 to 14 in. (7.6 to 35 cm) in length, found in muscles and connective tissue, esp. around the eye and common in the Far East.

S. mansonoides A species occasionally found in the U.S. in larval form.


(spī-rŏm′ĕ-trē) [L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. metron, measure] Measurement of air flow and lung volumes. SEE: pulmonary function test.

incentive s. Spirometry in which visual and vocal stimuli are given to the patient to produce maximum effort during deep breathing. Incentive spirometry is used most often in postoperative patients to prevent atelectasis. SEE: illus.







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