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(sol′vāt″) [solv(ent) + -ate] A compound formed by reaction between solvent and solute.


(sol-vā′shŏn) [solvate] The interaction of solvent molecules with the molecules or ions dissolved in them.


(sol′vĕnt) [L. solvens, dissolving] 1. Producing a solution, dissolving. 2. A liquid holding another substance in solution.

solvent/detergent treated

ABBR: SD. Exposed to, soaked in, or washed in chemicals that remove or inactivate lipid-soluble components from solution. Blood products, e.g., coagulation factor concentrates or fresh frozen plasma, are SD-treated to reduce potential contamination of these products by lipid-enveloped viruses, e.g., hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV.

image Reported complications resulting from the use of SD plasma include clotting in some patients (thromboembolism) and bleeding in others.

solvent drag

The movement of ions across cell membranes by bulk transport following the movement of water rather than being facilitated by ion channels or cellular pumps.


(sol-vol′ĭ-sĭs) [solve + -lysis] A general term for reactions involving decomposition by hydrolysis, ammonolysis, and sulfolysis.


A suffix used in pharmacology to designate any growth hormone derivative.


(sō′mă) [Gr. sōma, body] 1. The body as distinct from the mind. 2. All of the body cells except the germ cells.3. The body of a cell, which contains the nucleus.


(sō′măn) Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate; an extremely toxic nerve gas, designed as a chemical weapon.


(sō-mat′ik, sŏ-mat′ik) [Gr. sō-matikos, pert. to the body, bodily] 1. Pert. to nonreproductive cells or tissues. 2. Pert. to the body. 3. Pert. to structures of the body wall, such as skeletal muscles (somatic musculature) in contrast to structures associated with the viscera, such as visceral muscles (splanchnic musculature). 4. Pert. to sensations perceived as originating from superficial or muscular structures of the body rather than sensations seeming to come from the internal organs (the viscera).

somatic symptom disorder

Distressing, disruptive, or anxious thoughts, feelings, or behaviors about perceived symptoms and the adverse impact they may have on one's health.


(sō″măt-ī-zā′shŏn) The expression of a mental condition as a disturbance in bodily function.

somatization disorder

(sō″măt-ī-zā′shŏn) A condition of recurrent and multiple somatic complaints of several years' duration for which medical attention has been sought but no physical basis for the disorder has been found. The disorder impairs social, occupational, or other forms of functioning. The age of onset is usually before 30. The somatic complaints ...

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