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skin tightening

A loss of normal skin folds and shrinkage of collagen either as a result of overly aggressive resurfacing of the skin or as a consequence of a sclerosing disorder such as progressive systemic sclerosis.

Skoda, Josef

(skō′dă) Austrian physician, 1805–1881.


(skŭl) The bony framework of the head, composed of 8 cranial bones, the 14 bones of the face, and the teeth. It protects the brain and sense organs from injury. SYN: calvaria; cranium. SEE: illus.; skeleton.



Facial bones


fractured skull SEE: fracture of skull.


(skŭl′kăp) The upper round portion of the skull covering the brain. Also called calvaria.

skull cap


skyline view

Sunrise view.

Slagle, Eleanor Clarke

(slāg′ĕl) U.S. social worker, 1871–1942. She was educated in Chicago, worked at Hull House (an early settlement house in that city), and founded the Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy (now known as the American Occupational Therapy Association).


(slăn′dĕr) [L. scandalum, cause of offense] Defaming the character of another through injurious speech. To qualify legally for slander, speech must intentionally impugn the reputation of another and be both malicious and demonstrably false.


A cylinder of solid culture medium that is slanted to increase the surface area of the medium; used in culturing bacteria. SYN: slope (2).


1. A device that allows body movements to be transferred to an apparatus for lifting, squeezing, and turning laboratory equipment containing radioactive materials. The slave is controlled by the operator from a sufficient distance, and proper shielding is used to prevent the operator from being exposed to radiation or other highly toxic materials. 2. In robotic surgery, a device that translates the large hand movements of the surgeon (or the surgeon's manual tremors) into the smaller, more precise or more refined movements of the surgical instrument in the operative field.


systemic lupus erythematosus.


(slēp) A periodic state of rest accompanied by varying degrees of unconsciousness and relative inactivity. Sleep is thought of as something that occurs once each 24-hr day, but at least half of the world's population has an afternoon nap or siesta as part of their lifelong sleep-wake pattern. The need for and value of sleep is obvious; yet there is no explanation of why it provides a daily renewal of a feeling of ...

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