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sick sinus syndrome

ABBR: SSS. Any of several diseases of the sinoatrial node of the heart in which the node fails to generate impulses appropriately, resulting in long pauses, bradycardia, or bradycardia alternating with tachycardia. It is an occasional cause of palpitations, breathlessness, or loss of consciousness.

TREATMENT: A pacemaker should be inserted. Anticoagulant therapy may be required to prevent thromboembolism.


surgical intensive care unit.


Society for Investigative Dermatology; sensory integration disorder; source-to-image receptor distance.


(sīd) [AS. side] 1. The left or right part of the trunk of the body. 2. An outer portion considered as facing in a particular direction.

side effect

An action or effect of a drug other than that desired. It is commonly an undesirable effect such as nausea, headache, insomnia, rash, confusion, dizziness, or an unwanted drug-drug interaction.

side-lying position

A lateral recumbent position in which the individual rests on the right or left side, usually with the knees slightly flexed. This position may be used in persons with mild forms of sleep apnea, in some patients with dysphagia, and in patients predisposed to sacral decubitus ulcers.

side rail

A structural support attached to the frame of a bed and intended to prevent a patient from falling.

image Patients who are confused, intoxicated, or restless have on occasion become trapped in gaps between the bed side rails and the frame and been seriously injured or killed.

SYN: bed rail.

sidero-, sider-

[Gr. sidēros, iron] Prefixes meaning iron.


(sĭd′ĕr-ō-blăst″) [Gr. sideros, iron, + blastos, germ] A ferritin-containing normoblast in the bone marrow. Sideroblasts constitute from 20% to 90% of normoblasts in the marrow. The ferritin gives a positive Prussian-blue reaction, indicating the iron is ionized and not bound to the heme protein.


(sĭd″ĕr-ō-pē′nē-ă) [″ + penia, poverty] Iron deficiency in the blood. sideropenic, adj.


(sīd″ĕ-rō-fĭl′ĭn) [Gr. sideros, iron, + philein, to love] Any of several iron-binding proteins in the body, e.g., transferrin.


(sid″ĕ-rŏ-for′) [sidero- + -phore] 1. A macrophage that contains hemosiderin. 2. An iron-binding protein, e.g., one used by disease-causing bacteria to obtain iron stores from the host.


(sĭd″ĕr-ō′sĭs) [″ + osis, condition] 1. A form of pneumoconiosis resulting from inhalation of dust or fumes containing iron particles. SEE: hemosiderosis. 2. The abnormal deposition or accumulation of ...

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