(sĕn′ō-sīdz) Anthraquinone glucosides present in senna that are used as cathartics.
(sĕn-sāt′) Perceived by the senses.
An area, such as an erogenous zone, that is particularly sensitive to tactile stimulation.
(sen-sā′shŏn) [L. sensatio] An awareness of conditions inside or outside the body resulting from the stimulation of sensory receptors.
cutaneous s. A sensation arising from the receptors of the skin.
delayed s. A sensation not experienced immediately following a stimulus.
gnostic s. One of the more finely developed senses such as touch, tactile discrimination, position sense, and vibration.
internal s. Subjective s.
phantom s. Phantom limb pain.
primary s. A sensation that results from a direct stimulus.
protective s. Tissue sensitivity to potential injury or damage, often felt by patients as friction, heat, inflammation, itch, or pain. Loss of protection sensation occurs in neuropathies: diabetic neuropathy causes loss of protection sensation in the feet.
referred s. A sensation that seems to arise from one location in the body, even though it originates in another. SYN: reflex s.
somesthetic s. Vibration sense; proprioception.
subjective s. A sensation that does not result from any external stimulus and is perceptible only by the subject. SYN: internal s.
tactile s. A sensation produced through the sense of touch.
(sens) [L. sensus, a feeling] 1. To perceive through a sense organ. 2. The general faculty by which conditions outside or inside the body are perceived. The most important of the senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and pressure, temperature, weight, resistance and tension (muscle sense), pain, position, proprioception, visceral and sexual sensations, equilibrium, and hunger and thirst. 3. Any special faculty of sensation connected with a particular organ. 4. Normal power of understanding. 5. The ability of an artificial pacemaker to detect an electrically conducted signal produced by the heart, such as a P wave or QRS complex. 6. In nucleic acid chemistry, the strand of DNA whose nucleotide order codes for messenger RNA.
color s. The ability to distinguish differences in color; one of the three parts of visual function.
form s. The ability to recognize shapes; one of the three parts of visual function.
kinesthetic s. The brain's awareness of the position of muscles, both moving and at rest. The sense may be conscious or unconscious. SYN: motor s.; muscular s.