An alternative to the preferred therapy, used only when the preferred treatment is ineffective or not tolerated.
An independent professional review and assessment of a patient made to confirm, add to, or revise the diagnoses and proposed treatments of another medical professional.
A health care provider who experiences or observes a medical error and then feels traumatized by the event.
(sē-krē′tă) [L.] The products of secretion.
(sē-krē′tă-gŏg) [L. secretum, secretion, + Gr. agogos, leading] 1. Pert. to the stimulation of secreting organs. 2. An agent that causes secretion. SYN: secretogogue.
(sē-krēt′) [L. secretio, separation] 1. To separate from the blood, a living organism, or a gland. 2. To form a secretion.
(sĕ-krēt′ĭn) [secrete + -in] A hormone secreted by the duodenal mucosa that stimulates sodium bicarbonate secretion by the pancreas and bile secretion by the liver. It inhibits the release of gastrin and decreases gastrointestinal peristalsis and motility. SEE: motilin.
secretin injection test
Cholecystokinin-secretin test.
(sĕ-krē′shŏn) [L. secretio, separation] 1. The making and release of substances by glands. 2. The substance produced by glandular organs.
apocrine s. A secretion in which the apical end of a secreting cell is broken off and its contents extruded, as in the mammary gland.
constituitive s. Secretion of substances (typically proteins) from cells, either continuously or independently of cell-to-cell signaling.
eccrine s. Secretion of sweat from glands located in the skin, an important means of regulating temperature.
ectopic hormone s. Ectopic hormone production.
holocrine s. A secretion in which the entire cell and its contents are extruded as a part of the secretory product, as in sebaceous glands.
merocrine s. A secretion in which the product is elaborated within cells and discharged through the cell membrane, the cell itself remaining intact.
regulated s. The secretion of substances stored in intracellular vesicles after a cell receives a specific stimulus, either from a circulating hormone or from a nerve.
Any of a family of small secreted mammalian proteins (consisting of approx. 70 linked amino acids) of unknown function. They are highly genetically conserved. Many are potent allergens.
(sē-krē′tō-gŏg) [L. secretio, separation, + Gr. agogos, leading] Secretagogue.
(sĕ-krēt′ōm″) [secret(ion) + -ome] All of ...