[L. retro, back, backward, behind] Prefix meaning backward, back, behind.
(rĕ″trō-ăk′shŭn) Action in a reverse direction.
(rĕt″rō-bŭk′ăl) [L. retro, back, + bucca, cheek] Pert. to the back part of the mouth or the area behind the mouth.
(rĕt″rō-sē′kăl) [L. retro, back, + caecum, cecum] Behind or pert. to the area posterior to the cecum.
(rĕt″rō-sĕr′vĭ-kăl) [L. retro, back, + cervix, neck] Posterior to the cervix uteri.
(re″trō-klĭ-nā′shŏn) In dentistry, the posterior inclination of an incisor.
(rĕt″rō-kŏl′ĭk) [L. retro, back, + Gr. kolon, colon] Posterior to the colon.
(re″trö-kol′is) [retro- + collum] Torticollis with spasms affecting the posterior neck muscles. SYN: retrocollic spasm.
(rĕt″rō-kŏn-dŭk′shŭn) [″ + ″ ] Backward conduction, i.e., a reversed flow of ions or electrical impulses, esp. used when speaking of disturbances in cardiac rhythm.
(rĕt″rō-kŭr′sĭv) [L. retro, back, + curro, to run] Stepping or turning backward.
(rĕt″rō-dē″vē-ā′shŭn) [″ + deviare, to turn aside] Backward displacement, as of an organ.
(rĕt″rō-dĭs-plās′mĕnt) [″ + Fr. desplacer, displace] Backward displacement of a part.
(re″trō-ĕ-sof″ă-jē′ăl) [retro- + esophageal] Posterior to the esophagus.
(re′trō-fil″ing) In dentistry, the placement of filling material in a root canal through an opening made in the apex of the tooth.
(rĕt″rō-flĕk′shŭn) A bending or flexing backward. retroflexed, adj.
r. of uterus A condition in which the body of the uterus is bent backward at an angle with the cervix, whose position usually remains unchanged.
(rĕt″rō-năth′ē-ă) [L. retro, back, + Gr. gnathos, jaw] Location of the mandible behind the frontal plane of the maxilla.
(rĕt″rō-năth′ĭzm) [″ + Gr. gnathos, jaw] The condition of having retrognathia.
(re′trō-grād″) [retro- + L. gradi, to step, walk] 1. Moving backward. 2. Degenerating from a better to a worse state.
The flow of fluid in a direction opposite to that considered normal.
retrograde pyelography