(rĕn″ ĭ-pŭnk′chūr) [″ + punctura, a piercing] Surgical puncture of the renal capsule.
(rĕn′ĕt) [ME.] 1. The lining of the fourth stomach of a calf. 2. A fluid containing rennin (chymosin), a coagulating enzyme, used for making junket or cheese.
(rĕn-ĭn′ō-jĕn) [ME. rennet, rennet, + Gr. gennan, to produce] The antecedent or zymogen from which rennin is formed; the inactive form of rennin.
[L. ren(es), kidney(s)] Prefixes meaning kidney. SEE: nephro-.
(rē′nŏ-gram′) [reno- + -gram] A record of the rate of removal of an intravenously injected dose of a radioactive tracer from the blood by the kidneys.
DMSA r. A method of testing the kidneys for evidence of pyelonephritis, e.g., in children suspected of having kidney damage resulting from vesicoureteral reflux. A small dose of dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) linked to radioactive technetium (technetium-99m) is injected intravenously and allowed to circulate to the kidneys. Several hours later, uptake of the tracer by the kidneys is measured with a gamma camera.
DTPA r. A method for measuring blood flow to the kidneys and urinary excretion by the kidneys. A small dose of diethylenetriamine pentacetic acid (DTPA) linked to radioactive technetium (technetium-99m) is injected intravenously. Images of the kidneys are taken without delay. The tracer's circulation to the kidneys and its excretion by them can provide information about diseases such as renal artery stenosis, kidney transplant rejection, and ureteral or urethral obstruction.
(rē-nŏg′ră-fē) [″ + Gr. graphein, to write] Radiography of the kidney.
(rē″nō-prī′văl) Pert. to loss of kidney function.
(rē″nō-prŏ-tek′tiv) [reno- + protective] Protecting the kidneys, structurally or functionally.
(rē″nō-vās′kū-lăr) Pert. to the vascular supply of the kidney.
(rĕn′shaw) [B. Renshaw, U.S. neurophysiologist, 1911–1948] An interneuron of the spinal cord that inhibits motor neurons.
(rē′ŏ-kloo″zhŭn) Closure of a structure, e.g., a blood vessel, that had been previously stenosed and then unclogged by mechanical dilation or the use of medications.
(rē″ō-vĭr′ĭ-dē′) [reovir(us) + -idae] A family of double-stranded RNA viruses, many of which cause disease in humans, including the reoviruses, the rotaviruses, and the coltiviruses. SEE: coltivirus; reovirus; rotavirus.
(rē″ō-vī′rŭs) [respiratory enteric orphan virus] Any virus of the family Reoviridae, found in the respiratory and digestive tracts ...