(rē″ĭn-fū′zhŭn) [″ + infusio, to pour in] The reinjection of blood serum or cerebrospinal fluid.
Reinke, Friedrich Berthold
(rīng′kĕ)Ger. anatomist, 1862–1919
R. edema Pathological swelling of the vocal folds as a result of smoking. It causes an alteration in the pitch of the voice and may interfere with the passage of air (or medical instruments) through the folds.
R. space The superficial lamina propria of the vocal fold.
(rē″ĭn-ĕr-vā′shŭn) [″ + in, into, + nervus, nerve] 1. Anastomosis of a paralyzed part with a living nerve. 2. Grafting of a fresh nerve for restoration of function in a paralyzed muscle.
(rē″ĭn-ŏk″ū-lā′shŭn) [″ + in, into, + oculus, bud] A second inoculation with the same organism or its antigens. SEE: reinfection.
In psychology, the resumption of normal behavior and mental functioning following disintegration of personality in mental illness.
(rē″ĭn-vĕr′shŭn) [″ + in, into, + versio, turning] Correction of an inverted organ.
(rīs′nĕr) [Ernst Reissner, Ger. anatomist, 1824–1878] A delicate membrane separating the cochlear canal from the scala vestibuli.
(rīt′ĕr) [Hans Conrad Julius Reiter, Ger. physician, 1881–1969] ABBR: RS. A syndrome consisting of urethritis, which usually occurs first; then arthritis and conjunctivitis. It occurs mainly in young men. When an organism is implicated, it is most frequently Chlamydia. The disease recurs frequently, and can produce debilitating arthritis and skin lesions. The prognosis is generally good, but recurrences are common.
TREATMENT: There is no specific therapy. Tetracyclines or erythromycins are used for urethritis. The sexual partner should be treated if RS was transmitted sexually. Arthritis and conjunctivitis are treated symptomatically.
(rĕ-jek′shŏn) [L. rejectio, a throwing back] 1. Refusal to accept or to show affection. In animals, for example, the young may be ignored or driven away by their mother. 2. In tissue and organ transplantation, destruction of transplanted material at the cellular level by the host's immune mechanism. Transplant rejection is controlled primarily by T cells, but macrophages and B lymphocytes are also involved. Maintenance immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine, mycophenolate, and tacrolimus, which inhibit or block T-cell activity, lowers the risk of transplant organ rejection. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibody therapies are saved for acute rejection.
acute r. The early destruction of grafted or transplanted material, usually beginning a week after implantation. Acute rejection is identified clinically by decreased function of the transplanted organ. High-dose corticosteroids are the first treatment of acute rejection; they are typically quite effective. Antilymphocyte globulin ...