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recall bias

Distortion introduced into a research investigation that relies on the memory of subjects, specifically, their recollections of elements that might have contributed to the eventual development of a disease or condition. A research subject's memories after the occurrence of an adverse event, e.g., the diagnosis of a serious ailment, may be unduly influenced by his or her assumptions, beliefs, expectations, or prior education about possible causes of that ailment and thus may not reflect the true breadth of exposure contributing to the occurrence of the disease.

recall rate

In radiology, the percentage of individuals asked to return for follow-up imaging after an anomaly is found on an initial study, e.g., the number of women who are screened with mammography and who have to return for spot films, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging.


(rē″kan-ăl-ĭ-zā′shŏn) Reestablishment of an opening through a vessel that had been previously occluded. recanalizae (rē″kă-nal′īz″, rē kan′ăl-īz″), v.


(rē-sēv′ĕr) [″ + capere, to take] 1. A container for holding a gas or a distillate. 2. An apparatus for receiving electric waves or current, such as a radio receiver.

recency bias

Recency effect.

recency effect

(rē′sĕn-sē) The tendency to remember items at the end of a list more clearly than those in the beginning or middle of the list. SYN: recency bias.


(rē″sĕp-tăk′ū-lŭm) pl. receptacula [L.] A vessel or cavity in which a fluid is contained.


(ri-sep′tŏr) [L. receptor, a receiver] 1. In cell biology, a structure in the cell membrane or within a cell that combines with a drug, hormone, chemical mediator, or an infectious agent to alter an aspect of the functioning of the cell. 2. A sensory nerve ending. SYN: ceptor.

accessory r. Any of the proteins on the surface of T lymphocytes that enhance the response of the T-cell receptor to foreign antigens and stimulate signals from the receptor to the cytoplasm. SEE: antigen-presenting cell; T-cell r.

adrenergic r. A cell membrane protein that mediates the effects of adrenergic stimulation on target organs by catecholamines.

alpha-adrenergic r. A site in autonomic nerve pathways responsive to the adrenergic agents norepinephrine and epinephrine In general, alpha-1 receptors produce excitatory responses, and alpha-2 receptors produce inhibitory responses. SEE: beta-adrenergic r.

antigen r. Receptors, primarily on white blood cells, that bind with epitopes on foreign antigens, stimulating an immune response. SEE: epitope.

auditory r. One of the hair cells in the organ of Corti in the cochlea of the ear.


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