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Rashkind procedure

(rash′kīnd′) [William Rashkind, U.S. surgeon and pediatric cardiologist; d. 1986] Balloon atrial septostomy.


(rā′zhŭn) [L. rasio] The grating of drugs by use of a file.

Rasmussen encephalitis

(ras′mus-ĕn) [Theodore Brown Rasmussen, U.S. neurologist, 1910–2002.] ABBR: RE. A rare inflammatory disorder, typically involving a single hemisphere of the brain and often resulting in hemiplegia and partial seizures that are difficult to control. The condition is more common in children than in adults.


(răst) radioallergosorbent test.


(rast-ă-fa′rē-ăn) [Amharic (the official Semitic language of Ethiopia) Ras , head + Tafari (Makonnen), the first name of Haile Selassie] 1. Pert. to a religious movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s and has members in the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, and the U.S. The movement is of medical importance because Rastafarian dietary practices may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency with subsequent neurological disease, megaloblastic anemia, or both. 2. A member of this movement. Members of the movement call themselves Rastas or the Rastafari.


(rat) A rodent of the genus Rattus, found in and around human habitations. In addition to causing economic loss from crop destruction, rats are of primary importance in the spread of human and animal diseases. They are hosts of various protozoans, flukes, tapeworms, and threadworms, and reservoirs of amebiasis, murine and scrub typhus, and bubonic plague. Typhus and plague are transmitted to people mainly by the rat flea. Rats also transmit rat-bite fever.


(rāt) [L. (pro) rata (parte), (according to) calculated (portion)] The speed or frequency of occurrence of an event, usually expressed with respect to time or other standard.

acquisition r. In radiology, the speed with which medical images are recorded, usually expressed in images per second.

albumin excretion r. The quantity of albumin excreted in the urine per unit time. It is a marker of renal glomerular damage.

attack r. The rate of occurrence of new cases of a disease.

basal r. In patient-controlled analgesia, the amount of pain reliever that is infused independent of any demands made by the patient.

PATIENT CARE: The basal rate of drug infusion in patient-controlled analgesia is often set at zero to ensure that all doses of pain medication are dictated by the patient's individual needs for pain control. High basal rates may occasionally result in narcotic overdose. Basal rates above zero are used under carefully controlled circumstances to facilitate rest or sleep.

basal metabolic r. ABBR: BMR. The metabolic rate as measured 12 hr after eating, ...

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