(rā″dē-ō-lū′sĕnt) [″ + lucere, to shine] Penetrable by x-rays.
(rā-dē′ō-lŭs) [L., a little ray] A sound or probe.
(rā-dē-ŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + Gr. metron, measure] An instrument for measuring the intensity of radiation.
(rā″dē-ō-mī-krŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + Gr. mikros, + small, metron, measure] An instrument for measuring small changes in radiation.
(rā″dē-ō-mĭm-ĕt′ĭk) [″ + Gr. mimetikos, imitation] Imitating the biological effects of radiation. Alkylating agents are examples of substances with this property. SEE: alkylating agent.
(rā″dē-ō-mŭs′kū-lăr) Pert. to the radius or radial artery and the muscles of the arm.
(rā″dē-ō-mū-tā′shŭn) The permanent alteration of the genetic material of a cell caused by the effects of ionizing radiation.
(rā″dē-ō-nĕ-krō′sĭs) [″ + Gr. nekrosis, state of death] The disintegration of tissue resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation.
(rā″dē-ō-nū-rī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. neuron, sinew, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of a nerve caused by exposure to radioactivity.
(rā″dē-ō-nū′klīd) An atom that disintegrates by emitting electromagnetic rays, known as gamma rays.
(rā″dē-ō-păs′ĭ-tē) Radiodensity.
(rād″-ē-ō-pāk′) Impenetrable to x-rays or other forms of radiation. SYN: radiodense.
(rā″dē-ō-pă-thŏl′ō-jē) [″ + Gr. pathos, disease, suffering, + logos, word, reason] The study of radiation injuries.
(rā″dē-ō-pĕl-vĭm′ĕt-rē) [″ + pelvis, basin, + Gr. metron, measure] Measurement of the pelvis by use of x-rays.
(rād″ē-ō-far″mă-soot′ĭ-kăl) A radioactive chemical or drug (such as an isotope of technetium or iodine) that has a specific affinity for a particular body tissue or organ. It can be used in nuclear medicine to obtain images of structures, or to treat radiation-sensitive diseases.
Radiopharmaceuticals must be handled in accordance with prescribed methods to prevent the patient or those treating the patient from being exposed to unnecessary ionizing radiation.
(rā″dē-ō-fŏs′fō-rŭs) A radioactive isotope of phosphorus. 32P is used in medical studies.
(rā″dē-ō-pō-tăs′ē-ŭm) A radioactive isotope of potassium. 42K is used in medical studies.
(rā″dē-ō-pō-tĕn″shē-ā′shŭn) [″ + potentia, power] The augmentation of the effect of radiation. This may be produced by certain drugs and by ...