(sood″ŏ-mik-sō′mă, -sō′mă-tă) pl. pseudomyxomas, pseudomyxomata [pseudo- + myxoma] A peritoneal tumor resembling a myxoma and containing a thick viscid fluid.
p. peritonei A pseudomyxoma develops in the peritoneum from metastases that spread from appendiceal, colonic, or ovarian sources. Numerous papillomas develop, attached to the abdominal wall and intestine, and the peritoneal cavity becomes filled with mucus-like fluid. SYN: diffuse peritoneal adenomucinosis.
(soo-dō-nē′ō-plăsm) [″ + neos, new, + L. plasma, form, mold] A false or phantom tumor; a temporary swelling, usually of an inflammatory nature, that simulates a tumor.
(soo″dō-pă-răl′ĭ-sĭs) [″ + para, at the side, + lyein, to loosen] A loss of movement caused by the pain and inflammation of a localized injury, an infection, or a factitious disorder, rather than caused by a nerve injury or stroke.
The condition in which an artificial lens has been implanted in the eye, e.g., after cataract surgery to remove a cloudy lens.
(soo″dō-fĭ-lĭd′ē-ă) An order belonging to the class Cestoidea, subclass Cestoda. It includes tapeworms with scolices bearing two lateral (or one terminal) sucking grooves (bothria) and includes Diphyllobothrium latum, the fish tapeworm of humans. SEE: Diphyllobothrium.
Filamentous fungal structures that resemble hyphae.
(soo′dō-pŏd) [″ + pous, foot] Pseudopodium (1).
(soo″dō-pō′dē-ŭm) pl. pseudopodia 1. A temporary protruding process of a protozoan or ameboid cell, such as a leukocyte, into which the cell flows, for locomotion and the engulfing of food particles or foreign substances, as in phagocytosis. SYN: pseudopod. 2. An irregular projection at the edge of a wheal.
(soo″dō-pŏl′ĭp) [″ + polys, many, + pous, foot] A hypertrophied area of mucous membrane resembling a polyp.
(soo″dō-pŏl″ĭ-pō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + ″ + osis, condition] A large number of pseudopolyps in the colon due to chronic inflammation.
(soo″dō-preg′năn-sē) [pseudo- + L. pregnancy] 1. A condition in animals following sterile matings in which anatomical and physiological changes occur, similar to those of pregnancy. 2. Pseudocyesis. pseudopregnant (soo″dō-preg′nănt), adj.
(soo-dō-tō′sĭs) [″ + ptosis, a dropping] Apparent ptosis of the eyelid, resulting from a fold of skin or fat projecting below the edge of the eyelid.
pseudorelapse of multiple sclerosis
(sood″ō-rē′laps″) [pseudo- + relapse] Neurological deterioration in a patient with ...