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(pri-ven′shŏn) The anticipation of harm, disease, or injury and the measures taken to block their effects. SEE: preventive nursing; preventive medicine.

fall and injury p. SEE: fall and injury prevention.

infection p. Infection control.

primary p. Limiting the spread of illness to previously unaffected patients or populations.

rape and sexual assault p. SEE: Rape and sexual assault prevention.

secondary p. Limiting the impact or the recurrence of an illness in its preclinical stage or early clinical stage in patients already afflicted by it.

tertiary p. Limiting disability and other complications already present in the advanced or terminal stages of disease. Terminally ill patients should be assisted to achieve a peaceful death. Safety must be maintained both for caregivers and the patients' significant others. Contacts should be tracked and tested.


(prĕ-ven′shŏ-nist″) In the health care professions, one who specializes in limiting the spread or the consequences of diseases. preventionism (prĕ-ven′shŏ-nizm), n. preventionist, adj.


(pri-vent′iv) Hindering the occurrence of something, esp. disease. SEE: prophylactic (1).

preventive medicine

SEE: under medicine; prevention; preventive nursing.


(prē-vĕrt′ĕ-brăl) [pre- + vertebral] Anterior to a vertebra, vertebrae, or to the vertebral column

previa, praevia

(prē′vē-ă) [L.] Appearing before or in front of.


(prē″ vī′ ā-bĭl) Pert. to a fetus not sufficiently mature to survive outside the uterus.


(prĕv′năr) Pneumococcal sevenvalent conjugate vaccine

prevocational evaluation

(prē-vō-kā′shŭn-ăl) In rehabilitation, the assessment of those interests, aptitudes, abilities, and behavioral traits that are necessary for developing or performing specific job skills.


(prē-vŏ-tel′ ă) A genus of gram-negative, rod-shaped, anaerobic bacteria that colonizes the oral cavity and genital organs. Members of the genus cause abscesses, blood-borne infections, genital infections, periodonitis, and wound infections.

P. bivia A species found in the vagina and often associated with bacterial vaginosis.


(prē″zī-got′ik) [pre- + zygotic] In the reproductive process, pert. to or occurring before the union of the gametes, i.e., before a zygote is formed.

prezygotically(prē″zī-got′i-k(ă-)lē),adv. SEE: postzygotic; zygote.


(prī′ă-pizm) Abnormal, painful, and continued erection of the penis caused by disease, occurring usually without sexual desire. SEE: erection.

CAUSES: It may be due to lesions of ...

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