Prader-Willi syndrome
(prah′ dĕr-vĭl′ ē) A rare inherited condition marked by genetic obesity, hyperphagia, mental retardation, inadequate growth hormone secretion, short stature, sexual infantilism, and hypotonia. The cause is an abnormal chromosome 15 of maternal origin. SEE: Angelman syndrome.
(prē′vē-ă, prē′vē-ŭs) [L.] Going before in time or place.
(prag-mat′iks) In speech and language pathology, the social or interpersonal context of language, i.e., knowing how to use spoken language appropriately with other speakers.
(prăg′mă-tĭzm) [Gr. pragma, a thing done, + -ismos, condition] The belief that the practical application of a principle should be the determining factor in decision making.
(prăg′mă-tĭst) A person whose goals are achieved or attempted from a practical concept, action, or approach; a practical person.
(prăn′dē-ăl) [L. prandium, breakfast] Pert. to a meal.
(pră′vă-stăt′ĭn) An HMGCoA reductase inhibitor and lipid-lowering agent. It is administered orally, as an adjunct to diet and exercise, to manage hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemias.
(prăk′sĭs) [Gr., action] The ability to plan and execute coordinated movement.
-praxis, -praxes, -praxises
[Gr. praxis, act, action] Suffix meaning act, activity, practice, therapy.
[L. prae, before] Prefix meaning before, in front of. Prae- is an uncommon variant except in words pertaining to Roman law and history.
(prē″ăn-ĕs-thē′zē-ă) A light anesthesia produced by a medication given before anesthesia.
(prē″an″ĕs-thet′ik) [pre- + preanesthetic,] A preliminary drug given to facilitate induction of general anesthesia. SYN: premedication (2).
(prē″ā-ort′ik) [pre- + aortic] Anterior to the aorta.
(prē″oth″ŏ-rĭ-zā′ shŏn) Approval by a health care funding agent (such as a health maintenance organization, health insurer, or governmental agency) to defray the costs of a proposed treatment or procedure before its occurrence. Preauthorization is not a guarantee of coverage. preauthorize (prē″oth″ŏ-rīz″), v.
(prē-ak′sē-ăl) [pre- + axial] Anterior to an axis of ...